Hi guys!
Before we start in going back to history on how Elementalia started, I want to introduce myself first.
My pen name is TenTenJOY03, Female, 28 years old and a proud Filipino and a single mother.
I started writing this story while I'm still studying in college and this was the first story that I published in public which is in wattpad and in tagalog. My real passion was drawing but since I aim on making my own manga and I had this story in my mind, so I write it but didn't finished. Then this year I rewrite it in English as requested by my foreign friends in Fb. My goal for this story is to share it with everyone and hopefully to inspire others in pursuing in what they aim to be.
This episode contains nostalgic photos that I created how many years ago. Even before I write the Elementalia novel on wattpad. This is my first attempt in making my own manga.

[caption id="attachment_51816" align="alignnone" width="532"] *ELEMENTAL PRINCESS*
My first attempt in manga making and it's the first title of ELEMENTALIA: Tale of the Elemental Guardians.
Also, the photo above is it's first cover featuring it's main characters.[/caption]

~~ ☆ CHARACTERS ☆ ~~
[caption id="attachment_52161" align="alignnone" width="450"] SARA = She is the female lead character in Elemental Princess. Her counterpart in Elementalia is JOY but with shorter hair.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_52164" align="alignnone" width="450"] SHAO RAN = Male Lead character in Elemental Princess and the counterpart of LIEL in Elementalia.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_52165" align="alignnone" width="450"] ROVELYN = she is the fairy inside the mystical book in Elemental Princess, her counterpart in Elementalia is ROE.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_52166" align="alignnone" width="450"] KHAY = he is the only character that stays the same in Elemental Princess and in Elementalia. In this story Khay is the cousin of the female lead character. [/caption]

[caption id="attachment_52168" align="alignnone" width="450"] RICA = she looks like SARRAH in Elementalia but she was originally replaced by Peach in character. And in Elemental Princess they are only best friends of the female lead character.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_52170" align="alignnone" width="450"] YUKI = He is the counterpart of KIRA in Elementalia. Different in appearance but have the same personality. [/caption]

[caption id="attachment_52171" align="alignnone" width="450"] RIZA = one of the best friends of the female lead character in Elemental Princess. She was replaced by SARRAH in Elementalia.
(A/N:I'm a bit sad in removing her in the story)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_52173" align="alignnone" width="360"] SARA = The Elemental Princess[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_52174" align="alignnone" width="367"] SHAO RAN = The Wind Guardian[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_52175" align="alignnone" width="364"] ROVELYN = The Ice Guardian[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_52331" align="alignnone" width="462"] KHAY = The Fire Guardian[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_52332" align="alignnone" width="369"] RICA = The Water Guardian[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_52333" align="alignnone" width="451"] YUKI = The Thunder Guardian[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_52334" align="alignnone" width="349"] RIZA = The Earth Guardian[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_52335" align="alignnone" width="589"] ROVELYN'S PUPPY FORM and SHAO RAN as a STUFF TOY PENGUIN
In the story Rovelyn became a puppy after she was released from the mystical book. While the penguin stufftoy Shao Ran should happen when the first villain was introduced. [/caption]

~~ ◇ MANGA PAGES ◇ ~~

Reasons why I didn't finish it.....
● It doesn't have a concrete plot.
● I feel I'm doing it wrong.
● Too many panels and dialogue in one page.

In ELEMENTALIA, I could say that everything improved especially the story and the chatacters.
Note that Elemental Princess and the current Elementalia have different story but I base the characters on EP. And the story was base on the first novel that I wrote at wattpad.

I hope you enjoy this episode.
Thank you for reading! 😊

TenTenJOY03 Creator