The Deity Is Being Target By The Pop-Star Part 3


Morning classes started uneventfully... I mean, compare from yesterday. From my seat, I can notice where Tomoe hides to watch over us again for the day. And obviously, he's not happy with it.

A classmate who's sitting at my right side slid a piece of folded paper on my desk. I looked at her and she pointed to Nanami. Understanding what it is and to whom it comes from without the need to open the letter, I crumpled the paper with one hand and slid it in my pocket. Not long after, another one went past behind me to reach Nanami while avoiding my seat.

The time it reached her hand, I immediately stood up and I completely caught everyone's attention. "Sensei! I'll just go to the restroom, quick!" Even without hearing the permission from our teacher, I hurriedly snatched the letter from Nanami and warned her in a whisper "don't accept Kurama's letter" before I proceed towards the door.

Since I'm sure that another letter will still reach the land deity girl anyways, the moment I stood at an empty corridor, I opened the window and called for the fox familiar.

"So what is it that you need?" the bored Tomoe asked me with a yawn. It is obviously that he was just woken from dozing off. "He finally decided to act", and without uttering another word, I handed both of the letters to him and he understood that both are directed towards our deity.

"You looks like you knew a lot of things; like Nanami's deity abilities and Kurama's true identity", he suspiciously commented on me.

"If you have a keen eye, these things are just simple", is the only explanation I gave him. He doesn't need to know the true reason anyway, right?

He didn't press more on the topic and he left. After I returned to my seat, everyone still feels like awkward and intimidated at my sudden actions earlier. Our teacher didn't even scold me which I'm also thankful about. Lunchtime came and I still keep observing whether Nanami will leave to go to the place where the letter is asking her to go.

"What's wrong, Mikoto? ( ・ω・٥) You've been staring at me too much", she worriedly asked me while we're eating our lunches together.

"Ah, I'm just wondering if you still received a letter from Kurama", I replied before continued eating.

" (눈_눈) Well, I did and it says I should meet him at the rooftop. But I won't! Just because he's popular doesn't mean he can just look down on people around him."

I sighed in relief. Nanami is acting matured right now unlike her carefree manners earlier but it also makes me wonder what will happen next.

My eyes secretly looked around the classroom and confirmed that Kurama isn't around, probably waiting for the land deity on the rooftop in vain. Fufufu.

"Is Hoshino-san in here?" shouted by a female classmate from outside of the classroom.

"Hai! Yes, I'm here!" I automatically replied after hearing the precious name given to me by Mikage-sama. The student approached us on our desk and relayed a message.

"Sensei asked me to tell you that you can receive your uniform in the faculty room today", the girl said before leaving.

"Why don't we get your uniform right now?" Nanami suggested with a smile and I nod. It's not like we're in a hurry to change my uniform but we both agreed it's to avoid more attention towards us. Again, she guided me to our destination while we're both giggling at the memories of our recent visit there


On the other hand, Kurama who was still waiting at the rooftop lost his patience.

" ☆*:~(`△'+) That girl dared to stand me up!" he's furious but all he did was massaged his forehead making sure that he's not making any frowns to left any wrinkles on his beautiful face.

"Ahh~ Usually, all I have to do is meet their gazes and every girl blushes and looks down. But for some reason, those two claim that they hate me, especially that Nanami. Is that even possible?" The natural airhead pop-star ranted by himself.

He continued to brag his idea of being gentlemen. "I even spoke up for them when Nanami is being accused yesterday and I even apologized to both of them. I can't understand what they're so unsatisfied with me about. Should I offer myself to any of them to be hers?"

He brushed his hair upwards and his black wings widely spread, " ଘ(;ー ー) .:* But that's not what I want anyways. It isn't of any sort of thing. Land deity, if I can make you mine, I..."

He was about to plan on how to have Nanami into his hands when suddenly felt a chilly air down his spines, "Wha- From behind?"

                               *kicks* ハ___ハ (# ̄0 ̄) ⌒ ଘ(;><)○~☆ "I found you,                      "Uurggh!" you damn yokai" ↑                           ↑ Tomoe                Kurama

Everything went fast. The only thing the winged Kurama knew, he was already rolling on the floor. He grunted from the pain. "You-you're...!"

A smirk formed on Tomoe's lips while still stepping on the back of his target, "To have set your sight on Nanami right away so quickly like that, what sharp eyes you have!"

"You're the familiar from yesterday!" Kurama gritted his teeth in anger and forced his way to stand up again. He threw a few magical dark feathers towards Tomoe but he immediately jumped in the air and gracefully used his umbrella as a landing spot.

"Oh, dear me, did we meet yesterday?" the fox taunted him more.

"Kurama... I see, so she's right. You're a--"

"-a crow tengu(19) from Kurama Mountain. But it's been sixteen years since my descent. And now that you have seen my true identity, I'll have you DEAD!!" Kurama released a strong whirlwind blade around him and it had a clean cut on the umbrella that Tomoe is using.

"How about it, fox?" the tengu tries to persuade the familiar. "Your yokai power seems quite convenient. Once I've become the land deity, I won't mind taking you in as my familial. You would prefer me over that girl, too, wouldn't you?"

"Oh? You can become a land deity?" Tomoe asked.

"Sure, I can", reassured by Kurama, thinking that he had just won. "I just need a bite on the girl's heart, right?"

"Sounds like fun, tengu!" the familiar fox laughed while revealing leaves from a certain tree that he hid under his sleeves. He let them float around both of them which made the crow tengu feel nervous. The leaves hid Tomoe's presence and in an instant, he's already behind Kurama.

"When I think that someone like you is targeting Nanami, I could not be happier that she is the land deity", Tomoe smiled.

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