Our Not-So-Eventful Normal Days Has Started Again Part 1


A normal day passed after the event when everyone in the Mikage shrine found out Kurama's true form. I can't still call it an uneventful day but at least it was better.


I just woke up but I still feel so tired. I was expecting Tomoe to scold me for skipping my morning duties but he seems considerate towards me today for some reasons.

"Mikoto, did you slept late again?" Nanami gasped.

"Hm? Why did you asked?" I simply replied.

Wearing the same uniform like Nanami's, I sat beside the table and accepted my bowl with rice and spoon from Tomoe, since I can't confidently use chopsticks yet.

" (ó﹏ò。) Because there's already slight dark circles under your eyes!" Nanami looked at me with worried eyes.

"Actually Nanami-sama, Mikoto-dono had asked us to bring to her room last night the logs of prayers that Tomoe-dono wrote from these past 20 years and she tried to read it by herself one by one." It is Kotetsu who replied in my stead.

"And since Mikoto-dono can't read correctly the words yet, we, the fire children gave her our best assistantance", added by Onikiri.

"And I'm grateful for you both", I gave an approval nod for the shrine spirits.

"WHAATTT Σ(`Д' )!? Why did you decide to do something unnecessary? Listen, those are already old prayers. Staying late at night isn't good for a young maiden's skin!" I received a slight scolding while she moved some tomatoes from her bowl to my own. "For now, eat that. It's good for the skin."

I stared Nanami who continued her breakfast with a slight furrows on her forehead. "It's not the reaction I'm expecting from Nanami like in the anime would have", I thought while wondering if she still doesn't have enough motivation to do this kamisama(20) thing properly like hearing the believers' prayers.

But for someone who unexpectedly became a human deity after a night, I think my friend here is already doing her best by practicing her divine powers every morning with the help of her talismans.

" (*¯∀¯)ノ Are you sure you're giving me the tomatoes because you're concerned about me or you just don't like tomatoes?" I laughed.

" (≧ヘ≦) Of course it's not like that, geez! ", Nanami refuted.

Because of the poverty of Momozono family, I knew Nanami won't dare to be picky on her foods. But since she has a good life under Tomoe's care now, I felt like I wanted to tease her. I still remember when we had chicken barbecue night, Nanami actually barely ate vegetables and feasted on the meats happily.

I ignored her while I pulled my drained phone from my pocket. It's quite disappointing that I didn't have my phone charger with me when I found myself in this world. When Kurama last visited here in the shrine, he saw my phone and got interest in it. I let him self-volunteer to find a compatible charger for my device but for now, the only use it has right now is its dark screen like a hand mirror.

"Eyebags", I sighed to myself.

"Hmm... don't worry. It's not a big deal. I usually sleep late at night to study" I told them, leaving the next words unsaid. "And even watch anime afterwards when mom isn't at home".

"Plus it's such a waste if the prayers from the believers that Tomoe recorded for 20 years with his nice handwriting won't be put into use", I added while I pulled out a notebook from by school bag and showed it to Nanami.

Gosh, I could honestly feel a pair of fox eyes glued at me while Nanami flips the pages of the notebook. Who knows if she's actually paying attention to what I wrote.

"Well, I decided to organize those wishes that can still possibly be granted", I slightly explained.

Nanami eventually returned to me the notebook with a sour face and replied dryly, "I'll... think about it.."

"Eherm.." Tomoe, who seems doesn't like being left behind from a conversation suddenly cleared his throat.

"Nanami, aren't you supposedly the one who should follow Mikoto's example? She's just trying to do some of your deity duties while you're not being useful". And then, he flashes some crumpled papers which looks like the quizzes we had yesterday.

ハ_ハ " (¬⇀¬ ) You even dared to bring this thing home. Don't you have any shame?"

*cough cough* Nanami and I almost got chocked to death.

"Waaahhhh! (〃>_<;〃) Where did you get that?!" Nanami jolted and immediately snatched the papers from his hand.

The familial fox maintained his calmness. "I agreed to let you go to school but it seems like you're also failing as a student. If this continues, I think it's better for you to just stay in the shrine and enhance your divine power"

"( > × <)/ I'm not failing as a student. This is just normal when the exam is hard." the high school land deity pouted.

I held my laughter and butted in, "It's not that hard".

"Said by someone who probably just already learned it before" Nanami said while childishly stick out her tongue to me.

"Our country's curriculum has different patterns so that's not a valid reason." ‹(^_^)› I pointed out.

"But my problem is this...." I continued with my darkened face as I pulled out a paper from my bag. It is my answer sheets from the same quiz that Nanami had. Everyone infront of the dining table was dumbfounded.

"What are those weird symbols? I can't understand a thing" Tomoe commented.

"It's expected that you can't read my answers that I wrote in English. Honestly, how can I read and write in a foreign language in an instant? Don't ask for an impossible thing, you hear me?" I pointed out to the dumb yokai fox.

"Oh, I also remember that the teacher didn't accepted your paper at first because you wrote your answers in English. He said we are in Japanese literature class and not English so he asked you to translate those in Japanese", Nanami added with her gleefully eyes as if she found a way to revenge on me.

Tomoe got a hold on my papers and observed it, "...and by translate, does it mean--"


Wrong spellings and misplaced strokes, that's the reason why I also got a low score in the quiz we had. It's the darkest part of my life!! The first time I got a low score from a quiz. q.q

But there's no use sulking right now, "(✧д✧) ﻭ So that's the reason I'm going to triple my studying habits. I don't want to be left behind just because of this language barrier", I declared while firing up with motivation.

"Then, I'll help you (๑˃ᴗ˂) / ", Nanami volunteered but Tomoe and I looked at her with slight distrust.

ハ__ハ " ( ▔ヮ▔) Are you sure you won't just fall asleep like before?" the familial asked her.

He and I both heard a slight "guh" from Nanami.

"Ho-How rude!! (;ᗒ△ᗕ)ノJust so you know, before I used to have a lot of part time jobs after school just to support the everyday needs of myself and my father. Only after work that I could do my school assignments so I'm also capable of staying late at night", she proclaimed.

"But it's quite obvious that your body immediately adapted to your current easy life wherein Tomoe provides all your needs" I smirked.

"WHAAAA! \(Ò//д//Ó)/ I-I'M NOT!!", Nanami's cheeks turned red.

And I could swore that I caught Tomoe slightly smiling while watching Nanami and I continued bickering to each other.


Kurama didn't come to school today. Probably something related to his work again and that also means, a peaceful day~

Or so I thought....

When we reached the shrine after class, he was there again, waiting for our arrival, though not so patiently.

"I thought you promised that no more bothering us?" Nanami frowned at him.

"Ah~ but I also remembered Mikoto asked me to be friends with both of you", the crow tengu replied while attractively brushing his hair upwards with his fingers.

*winks* *confused*

☆*(^▽')~ (▔Δ▔٥)ゞ "Right, Mikoto~chan?" "Uhh..huh?" ↑ ↑ Kurama Mikoto

"Just when did I say something about asking to be your friend?" I thought.

I rummage inside my mind for a memory from yesterday and the only thing I remembered is my advice to him about his egotistic personality.

"Hmm.... it's not exactly what I said, but I guess its okay. Well then, please excuse me", I didn't want to waste time for idle talks like yesterday.

I immediately called for the shrine spirits for assistance "Onikiri, Kotetsu, can you help me again in my extra studies?"

"Yes, Mikoto-dono", the two replied from behind me. "We'll prepare the records and extra notebook in your room." it surprised me that I didn't felt them like usual.

"Maybe I'm just tired", I thought the immediately brush off the idea of resting for awhile. "I'm not too tired to skip studying today."

Since today was Friday, I need not to worry if I stay sleepless again tonight. And thus, I didn't knew what happened to Nanami and the rest after I went straight to my room, followed by the onibi children.

Yren Creator