Mikoto Started Living As A Shrine Priestess Part 4


"I am, Hoshino Mikoto", I introduced myself to the class with a slight bow. "I am not born in this country so I'm still adjusting my life here. I'm sorry for not wearing my uniform today because of some reasons. To explain things easier, I am sent here in this school by my godfather to watch over my lady Nanami so I'll be thankful if we would all get along."

I meant that last part. Hurt Nanami and I'll never forget you fools.

I snarled secretly behind my smile and quickly bowed again after my introduction.

But, I can still hear murmurings about their doubts.

"I don't think the rumors are true."

"Look, her kimono doesn't even look expensive."

I glared at them and they immediately quietened down.

Girls, be thankful that were at school right, now.

From in front, I can see Nanami in her gloomy state sitting at the third seat from behind, the one which is nearest from the window and Kurama who was frowning at me. Lucky for me, my headbutt earlier didn't leave a visible mark on his forehead. Unlike him, mine still stings. I'll be doomed if his army of fans learned this. I bet they'll kill me.

I took my seat besides Nanami's and the class started. I easily found the tree where Tomoe is hiding and watching over us. I'm sure the will-o-wisps children are with him also, though I still can't see them.

If only I can write Japanese on a notebook and-wait! I sweat at a realization of something important.

English will always be the international language. Mathematics will always be numbers with x and y's. Rules of science will always be the same wherever you go in this world. But.....WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITH THE JAPANESE SUBJECTS?!!


The bell rings that says it's already the end of the morning classes. Lunchtime already but here I am, still staring at the Japanese Literature textbook that Nanami shared with me for today and trying to figure out some characters that I might recognize.

"No chance at all!!", my inner self shouted, almost throwing away the book.

I heard Nanami sighed so deeply that it feels like all of her happiness flew away with it.

"Nanami, are you all right?" I asked her but I knew she isn't fine at all.

"Still disappointed at Kurama and irritated at Tomoe?" I whispered to her and she sulks once more.

"Yo, Momozono! What will be your lun-", idiot-Isobe....wow it suits him...started again but I managed to cut him off mid-sentence like always.

"Please keep your mouth shut and don't breathe. I'm talking to my lady". I hissed at him with a death glare.

"Ah, (' ∀ ' *) let's have lunch now, Mikoto", Nanami called my attention back to her.

"Sure, but we didn't bring lunch. Do you mind if we'll just buy something to eat?" I asked her.

"You have money to buy bread?" this time the idiot-Isobe finished his sentence but received an icy cold evil death glares from me in return. One more time and I'll hit this guy. I hate him the most!!

" ( *`_') Of course, I do, how rude", Nanami exclaimed. She pulled out money bills from her pocket "Look!"

Everyone nearby including Nanami herself was so shocked to see 30,000 yen on her hand.

"Wh-Where did she get that?" the idiot didn't dare anymore to talk back to Nanami in my presence but instead, pondered on his own in disbelieve.

I knew the next series of events so I took Nanami's bag to pull out a pouch that I asked her to keep in her bag earlier. But, oh my goodness! Her bag is so messy, probably because she was in a hurry earlier this morning.

"Oh, I lost three of my ten thousand bills. How strange, but oh well, it doesn't matter", Kurama suddenly spoke which spooked Nanami because she knew the money in her hand isn't ours and it completely fits the description Kurama just said.

The girls started fussing about it like wildfire and immediately they suspected Nanami as a thief when they saw the same amount of money in her hand.

"Hold on a moment ☆(ゝ。∂) ", Kurama butted in. "Yes, I just remembered I gave that money to her earlier"

"Wait, huff... You don't need to lie for my lady's side, Kurama-san and how rude of you to accuse my lady of something she wouldn't do in her entire life!" I said aloud to get everyone's attention while shielding Nanami away from their suspicious eyes.

"But Nanami, thinking of our current life, don't you think it's not good to bring such amount of money to school", I slightly frowned when I looked back at her and acted as if I'm only whispering to her but intentionally let my voice audible everyone around us.

Everyone started uttering their accusations just like I've expected.

"See? They're just hiding the fact that they're just poor"

"Did they stole it from Kurama-sama?"

"Of course! They can't have that amount of money"

"I mean, their family is...."

I pulled out the money bills from my pouch and handed it to Nanami's palm. "Here's an additional 50,000 yen."

"WHAAAAATTTT!???" Everyone shouted in unison. They just really can't believe their eyes, including Nanami.

I took a quick glimpse at the yokai fox from the window.

Are you enjoying the show right now, Tomoe?

"( ~~@_@)~~ W-Wh-Where did this come from?" Nanami hysterically asked me and I calmly replied with a little laugh. "Did you forget? Tomoe gave it to me before we left since he failed to prepare lunch for us and thought that you would always remain humble at school so he asked me to give this to you"

It's not a complete lie actually, except that I persuaded him.

I confidently smiled at everyone before looking at the confused Kurama. He knew I was just bluffing about Nanami having the 30,000 yen all along but he didn't know I was also prepared.

"I still doubt it", stated by a girl classmate.

Just when I thought it's just easy to convince everyone, I was mistaken. I forgot to take note that when I change a part of the story, there will also be changed in the outcome and I was unprepared.

Nanami is almost at her tears again. She's been in edge since this morning.

The classroom's door slide open an elegant young man came in, "I apologize that it took so long to make the arrangements, lady Nanami", he said with a slight bow. "I, Tomoe, had exercised my talents and prepared a feast for your lunch since today is the auspicious day when you go back to school."

A line of Miko came in carrying trays of foods. Well, those are just Tomoe's fire-fox cloaked as humans that look like shrine maidens.

"Tomoe... ( ̄ε ̄) No one believed me at all. I didn't though lady Nanami's old reputation is that greatly ugly", I told him even though he already knew it. I just wanted to make a scene inside the classroom.

"Σ(≥ロ≤) Hey! It's not my fault", Nanami defended herself while handing the money in her hands, including the pop star's money to Tomoe. He then immediately kept the money away and looked at the confused Kurama.

"Oh, and also, Mr. Kurama said he lost 30,000 and claimed that he gave it to lady Nanami", I pointed out to him.

Tomoe lightly laughed, "It's because you, as Nanami-sama's escort, wore something so simple. Why didn't you wear from those expensive kimonos that are prepared for you?"

" ('-ε-`) It's because our lady is a humble person, so I must act the same", I pouted but, inside my head, I'm grinning. mehehe. Also, I actually don't know the qualities of an expensive kimono from simple ones.

Tomoe smiled like saying, leave it to me. "Lead our lady to her proper seat." He asked for everyone's attention towards him after Nanami took her seat in the middle of joyous meals that makes her feel overwhelmed.

"Nanami-sama is our precious master. I, Tomoe, won't ever forgive everyone for speaking and acting rudely towards her." He then looked at the other side of the room. "Kurama-dono, I think that 30,000 yen you claimed to have lost seems to be under your chair".

Everyone was so speechless the whole time. Our little scene not only left them shocked and surprised in awe, but it also left an impression that they must be nervous towards Tomoe and I and should show respect to Nanami also. Our plans was totally in sync. And, what I love the most is Kurama's shocked expression. I hate those narcissistic attitudes of his.

I sat down on the other side of Nanami and we bowed in front of everyone, "dear school friends, please take care of our Nanami-sama" and Tomoe finalized his speech, At last.

I returned my attention to our lady who was now in tears, "Look, Nanami, don't cry anymore. Besides me, always remember that there's this fox who cares for you", I whispered to her happily.

"Hurry up, you two and eat your food already", hissed at us in a low tone away from anyone's sight.

"..ahaha.. ( ' ▽ ' ;)" Yep, I knew it! He's still actually in a bad mood.


Author's Note:

Wow, I'm on the roll, what do you think? Is it good?? Feel free to comment down your opinions. ^^/

Miko(10) - shrine maiden/priestess

kimono(11) - Japanese traditional clothes

hijab(12) - a head covering worn by women in Islam

senpai(13) - senior (earlier colleague)

imotou(14) - little sister

sensei(15) - teacher

Yren Creator