
The ground was hard and cold. Despite that, I was still able to sleep. When I woke up, my surroundings were still dark.

I was unsure whether if it was already morning, as light from outside did not have access to my location. But Granma told me that I could already comeback once my wound dried up, and it already did.

I stood up and walked back. Since it was dark, I had to feel the walls with my hands as I treaded my path. After a while, I was able to reach a part of the caverns that was not as dim.

From afar, I was able to sight two tall figures. When I got a little closer, I was able to determine that those were Roc and Scalus. They were talking about something.

I wanted to know more about Scalus. Because of that, I decided to move closer while I hid my presence. I found a relatively large rock to use as a cover.

“Scalus, what should we do?” Roc asked as he sat down.

“I don’t know either.” Scalus massage his forehead as he sat across Roc.

“They are after him.”

“How can you sssay that?” Scalus frowned.

“Multiple groups. Only one group fought back.”

“And that isss the group where he isss?”

Roc nodded to show his agreement. Scalus then produced a deep sigh.

“If that isss ssso, they will find thisss place sssooner or later. Thisss isss bad…” He started massaging his forehead again. “Then there isss also that matter with Georgia.”

“She acted weird. Do you know why?”

“The child wasss clearly not normal. Georgia wasss alwaysss sensitive with blood. She must have sssensssed something on the child’sss wound. ”

“What do we do?” Roc asked again.

“Honestly, making him leave would be the best option. I am worried about Gontusss and Golla. I only allowed the chid to ssstay becaussse I thought that they might ssstill be sssad about their ssson’sss death. Dessspite that, I am now worried more about the child.”

“He can fend himself.”

“I am not talking about that. He would no longer be able to live a normal life. You know what I am talking about.”

“Yes. Should we-”

“Do not even finish that. Remember, the true monstersss are thossse who kill needlessssly.


“For now, I wish to observe thingsss further. We will do what action isss necessssary when it comesss.”

“I understand.”

They sat there for a while more without talking. After a while, they stood up and started leaving. Yet before that, I felt like Scalus’ and my eyes met. It might also just be my imagination.

I waited a bit more as I hid myself. They already knew that I was different. They must had known from the start. Yet based on what they talked about, I was still not in danger. I could stay for a little longer.

When there were no remaining signs of them, I made my way back to Granma and Granpa. They were still asleep. I did not want to disturb them. Therefore I also took a nap.

Lord Korumples Creator

Unfeigned Haven is a novelette created in participation for the WK Owl Tribe Activity