
I performed well enough on my first patrol. Because of that, they took me along again the next day.

We were casually walking around the woods. Our weapons were readied yet we saw no monsters. Even a little rustling or their roars could not be heard.

“Sven, are you okay?” Waluf tapped me in the shoulder and asked.

“Yes, I am fine.” I answered. “Why do you ask?”

“Well…” He scratched his head. “You just look restless. Are you perhaps nervous? Did the fight yesterday get to you?”

“No… I think this feeling is closer to what is called excitement. I am looking forward to eat meat again.”

“Oh… okay.” Waluf looked surprised as he took his hands off me.

“You said you’re excited! Why aren’t you smiling?” Bartz appeared in front of me.

“Oh.” I smiled. “Is that what you were looking for?”

“Woah…” Bartz looked dumbfounded.

“Was it out of place?” I inquired.

“It is too perfect. How is that possible?” Waluf mumbled.

“Keep walking.” Roc called who were already few paces ahead.

“Sorry!” Waluf uttered as he walked faster.

Bartz and I followed him as well, with Jella behind us. She was also just a small girl, yet they talked about her like she was the strongest out of all of them. It got me curious.

“Jella, may I ask how you fight?”

“How I… fight?” she repeated.

“You do not have any weapons, yet you are here. How do you defend yourself?”

“I… I…” She was fidgeting.

“Enemies cannot harm her! She is so strong!” Bartz answered for the girl.

“Cannot be harmed? You mean that she is good at dodging?” I inquired.

“Yeah… that!” Bartz pointed at me.

“And how does she attack then?”

“She wraps her body on the enemy until they cannot breath!” Bartz held on his neck.

“You mean she strangles them to death?” I confirmed.

“Yeah, that!” Bartz pointed at me again.

When my queries about Jella were answered, my eyes were lured by something else. It was the cloth that was wrapped around Bartz’ waist. As it was swinging by in the air, I tried to touch it. 

Bartz noticed before my skin touched it. He immediately jumped back as he held the cloth with both of his arms.

“W-what are you doing?” Bartz was flustered.

“Sorry, I got curious as to what it is for,” I answered.

“Well… this is… um… this is for…” His eyes wandered around while thinking.

“We got it from our parents.” Waluf answered while he also held the cloth on his waist. “See? I have one too.”

“Yeah, that!” Bartz uttered.

“I see.” I replied.

Harus also said something similar about his cart. It must be a custom of some sort to them. I decided to not ask further.

We walked around for a while more yet we did not encounter any of the monsters. It meant that I would be seeing the unpalatable grain in my plate again for dinner.

I could not wait to eat the same feast as last night’s again.

Lord Korumples Creator

Unfeigned Haven is a novelette created in participation for the WK Owl Tribe Activity