“Looks like you’re in a pretty bad state.” The man wearing a white lab coat and a stethoscope around his neck said. Jaune who was in my left covered her mouth while tearing, Dad looked troubled, Sona was holding my left hand.

I could still talk and move my head, but I can’t move my body. Is this…my deathbed?

Am I dying?

Ah, if I die now I can still reincarnate.. but I still have some things I want to do with this family. Like destroying a kingdom, go to heaven just to disturb the angels, and such things.. I never thought that I would die without even doing at least one of those things!

I was having such thoughts when loud footsteps echoed through the hallway near my room. A woman with an elegant feel to her appeared in my room’s doorstep. She’s wearing a crimson red Victorian Era dress, her red hair tied up in a bun, paired with her scary eyes.

“Don’t make it sound like he’s gonna die!” Mistress shouted, everyone turned to look at her. I gave them a dumbfounded look.


“............. “

The loud silence was deafening. Then the next moment…


They all stuck out their tongue. Heck! even the doctor did! I glared at them, then gave a sigh.

“So? What happened to my body?” I asked, the others fixed their postures. Sona stood up, on her right was Jaune.

The doctor who looks like in his 40’s said,

“You have a very bad case of Magic Fatigue. Master Harry said that you exerted tons of magic power yesterday. He also mentioned the spell that you used, that all of them were advanced spells. I’m quite shocked you know, it’s the first time I heard of a half-blood who could easily release advanced spells like it’s breathing.”

He answered, he has a bright face to be honest. He also praised me about that, I’m quite happy as well.

The cause was… my power, huh…

It seems that I acquired an incredible kind of fatigue because of my playing around yesterday.

It’s quite reasonable, given that I used a lot of advanced spells yesterday, and also for doing that twice. My body, which is a catalyst of my reincarnated core, cannot handle such things. I cannot exert a lot of mana, meaning this body can also be quite the nuisance. I don’t have any complains since I picked out the most suitable body for me. It seems that my body was quite weak compared to the bodies found 2000 years ago.

I was sealed, but not entirely. To put it simply, I just sealed my magic power, but I still leaked out little amounts of magic power to maintain the world, along with that was my consciousness. That’s why I know more than anyone, or if there’s still some people who could live for 2000 years, the history of the world. Well, I just fulfilled one of my duties as the Guardian of this world.

So, if my body can’t withstand the magic power I can release, then the seals were seriously a big help. If I didn’t set it up, this body of mine would probably wither by the amount of magic power I have. I have to live to maintain peace and balance, even though I was the one who destroyed peace and was unbalanced. Anyways, that’s a story for another time, right now I’m paralyzed and I need to know the cure for this.

I couldn’t feel my magic circulating properly in this body at the moment, so using magic to heal myself was out of the question. Maybe I just need to rest, but how long will this paralysis last? I have to ask him that.

I faced the doctor in front of me who was talking to Dad.

“Uhmm.. sir…”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“How long will this last?”

He tilted his head and gave me a questioning look.

“I mean, this fatigue?”

I said, at the very least, giving him a convincing look.

“Yes, yes, all you need is just a good rest. Depending on the amount of your mana and class…”

He said. Then his eyes became round and his face clearly states that he realized something.

“Say… have you enrolled in an academy?”

“Yes, in Jurald Academy.”

I answered honestly. It doesn’t benefit both sides if I were to lie.

“You passed the exam?”

I nodded.

“What’s your class?”

“Hmm… Demon King.”

I answered nonchalantly. His eyes rounded, mouth slightly opened. He seems surprised.

Well, not that I can blame him, anyone who will probably hear that a half blood becoming a Demon King class would be surprised. It’s seriously rare to have half bloods having a higher class, what’s more is that the highest that exists in the current Underworld.

Jurald Academy has its reputation for being the top school in the Kingdom of Jurald. It is one of the seven top-class academy in the Underworld, or so I heard. Anyway, the Karnstein only ever produced 7 Demon King class. The other family and nobles must’ve produced at least 10 or so in their reign. We wouldn’t be at the very bottom of the 27 Pillar Families if we produced a lot of powerful individual.

The doctor, still shocked, spoke to me

“You must be lying… right?”

“Hmm? Why would I lie? It doesn’t benefit me at the very least.”

Lying about my reputation is just a big pain in the ass.

And it doesn’t help me at the very least. I want to recover as fast as possible. 2000 years ago, this illness did not even exist. Every mages at the time can exercise a lot of mana or control the mana on the surroundings. That’s why this illness is pretty much a headache and at the same time, an interesting research material.

The doctor spoke in a surrendering tone.

“Demon King class can take about 3-4 days until you recover. However, the paralysis will only last until late afternoon—about 6-9 hours from now. As for the cure… hmmm….”

So, this paralysis will subside until 17:00, huh…

I thought for a moment, 9 hours is still a long time. I have to recover as fast as possible. I want to at least release an explosion and go to Earth. I still have to gather the mages, or else I’ll end up killing everyone.

Okay, okay…calm down…I have magic fatigue and also paralyzed at the moment…I have at least 9 hours to recover from paralysis, but it’ll take 4 days to completely recover…I also have to go to the Philippines to gather mages. It’ll take at least 3 days, meaning I have no choice but to recover today.. I can’t circulate my mana properly, meaning magic is useless.. I only need to replenish my mana properly…So I need to think of something other than magic to replenish my mana…hmm?

It was then that a light bulb appeared on my head. I closed my eyes and focused on my magic. I only have one thing to do—and that is to release my wings..

Slowly, but surely, I focused my mana and used it to make my wings appear. A pair of feathered wings majestically arose from my back, still lying on my bed. Its jet black color made it look like there’s a dimensional rip.


The doctor, and my family who witnessed it was taken aback. My sacred eye started glowing as it gathers mana.

Two blue spheres began to form on my wings, just then—

“Wha…What’s that thing!?”

“It’s sucking it…”

“Oh, don’t worry it’s just that he’s gonna do something very interesting, Doctor.”

Suddenly, Jitreim entered the room dressed in his usual wear but with a lab coat on top. I noticed that the doctor gave him a dumbfounded look.

2 or so minutes later—I reached the point where I can move my body. The others who were watching were stunned. My demon eye started glowing and a magic formation appeared. Cracks from the walls suddenly appeared, the floor started shaking. Then the two blue sphere disappeared as if it wasn’t there in the first place.

I controlled my mana and sat up on the bed. I used my sacred eye to soothe everyone’s feelings.

“The atmosphere…so dense…”

“I’m.. melting..”

“Cough, cough… A-Azrael… y-your aura—"


I looked around.

Is something wrong?

They were all coughing, Jaune coughed blood while the doctor puked.


Dad and the others lays flat on the ground. Meanwhile, Jitreim surrounded himself with multiple barriers that reached up to a hundred. Although it’s constantly getting destroyed, he still manages to rebuild them.

Using my demon eye, I peer into the abyss.

Oh… so that’s it…Apparently my aura is leaking. An aura can be used as either an attack or a defense. Auras can change the environment once present. It depends on the nature of the being, if one is filled with malice then it's destructive, if one is virtuous then consider it safe or soothing.

Personality is really what affects the aura, as for mine.. well, it’s destructive. I’m not filled with malice, probably, but I also have a good side so it’s all good!

Well, the situation now denies that I am good at heart. I restrained my aura and peered at the abyss again.

Huh? That’s weird… I’m still letting out a lot!

I’ve restrained my aura but it’s still quite dense. I then used my sacred eye to peer in my core. Considering that all of them are still stable, then why is my aura going nuts?

All of them are perfectly balanced and stable at the moment, so why?

If my aura is leaking then what’s the cause? My core is still stable…. Wait, could it be—

Using my sacred eye, I analyzed my seals. My eyes went round after looking at them.

Two out of thirteen seals are released, or rather destroyed!

What’s happening? What’s going on?

No, there’s still hope!

I reached my hand forward, multiple magic formations appeared. Using all of the mana I could gather in the room mixed with my blood, I chanted the spell.


Everything stopped as if time itself stopped. The loud ring of silence echoed through the room. Well, that was what actually happened. I glanced at the clock on the table top and fair enough, time actually stopped.

Time Manipulation, Vremya. Given by its name, it manipulates time locally. Based on quantum mechanics and physics, one can only stop time if it travels at the speed of light, or by crossing the event horizon of a black hole, as well as going to the past and future using the said method. Of course, it is a given that no one can travel at the speed of light, let alone cross the event horizon of a black hole, making it impossible for anyone except the ‘me’ from before. I just learned about this recently, so bear with me.

Vremya compensates for that ‘impossibility’ by converting mana, or life force to manipulate that law. But it can only manipulate time, based on the surroundings, magic output, and the magic you have. For example, now, I’m stopping time locally in this room making the mana consumption at least manageable and the magic controllable. Time here is equal to the time outside the room. It can be easily interpreted as a ratio of 1:1. But if I were to stop the time of the world, I’ll have to consume all the mana in the world just to stop time for a moment, and mana deprivation will eventually be the cause of the end. Of course, the God of Time, Chronos, will also intervene. He can easily turn a blind eye if you just want to stop time in a small area, but if one were to tamper time or change the past, he comes barging in to eliminate the source. However, Vremya is not limited to stopping time. As I’ve said, it can also be used to travel to the past or send something to the future.

By stopping time, I’ve confirmed. I can now use at least 15% of my power. Then again, it will be pretty hard to contain this with my current body.

Another magic formation appeared on my hand, multiplied, until it covered my body. On top of that, more formations appeared, glowed then turned clockwise. They suddenly disappeared as if it wasn’t there. Once again, I peered in the abyss and got the result I wanted.

Neutralized aura, check! And also, a new sturdy body!

I crushed the magic formation of Vremya with my hand. Everything began to move slowly then gradually became faster as time consumed the room.

All of them, excluding Jitreim who used barrier to protect himself, lay flat on the ground. I released my wings and reached out my hand.

Jitreim came up to me after dispelling his barriers.

“I felt a disturbance in something, but I don’t know what…”

He said looking dejected. He must’ve thought that he can understand what I just did. But, he clearly saw me unleashing that spell, so he probably know the formula of that. Then again, it’s Origin Magic, only limited knowledge is probably known about it.

I gave him a smile and said ,

“You saw the magic formula, right?”

He nodded.

“Yes, but I can’t understand it, or rather it’s hard to understand. Those letters were ancient scripts mixed with some modern numbers.”

“Well, that’s true. It’s just simple Time Manipulation, even if you try to use it, the chances of you surviving while casting it is low. Probably a bad idea to study if I say so myself, no?”


A magic circle formed from my hand and glowed green. Focusing my mana, I unleashed the spell.


The blood, and puke disappeared, as well as their body conditions healed in an instant. Jitreim who’s watching beside me has a bewildered look.

“Their breathing are… stable..”

Jitreim said, using my sacred eye, I confirmed if what he said is true. They’ll probably be out cold for an hour or two.

I faced Jitreim who still can’t process everything he witnessed.

“You probably saw what I did, no?”

He nodded.

“I absolutely believed that stopping time is borderline impossible.”

He said with a wry smile.

“Then I have something to ask.”

He made eye contact after I’ve said those words.

I know that I can use all kinds of magic. I also have an almost endless amount of mana that no one could even compare. Of course, all of them works on, or against me. Be it support magic or origin magic, any magic can work against me, except for the ones I made.


There is this lingering thought on my head.

This is something even I can’t answer. Ever since waking up, this is something I still can’t process and I can only wonder.

“How did I get Mana Fatigue?”


Yooo!! Asami Sakaguchi here! It's been a while, how are you guys doing? I'm sorry about the promise I broke, the one at Ch.7, where I said that I'll be updating as much as possible. Got slapped by a being called "Writer's Block." However, I slapped him back, which brings us to here!

So yeah, I've got an announcement that I'd like to make.

This novel, yes, this one, will get a new cover! How great is that, don't you think so?

The illustrator is also a Kreator named "juke" here in WebKom. Also, read his Komik entitled "White-Eye: A God's Reincarnation."

So that's all for now, expect that I'll be posting updates frequently.

While you're at it, please give me a feedback.

G-mail: [email protected]

Asamin Creator