Little Timmy
By: Lord Korumples
I’m Bill, just a normal high school student or that is how I wish I was. I don’t think I am someone that screams anything weird at all. In fact, I think everyone thinks I am normal aside from myself.
There is this creature I call Little Timmy who is with me wherever I go. He is a little purplish dark floating ball like of a creature with round eyes and a smiley face. He is like a gaseous creature that I can clearly see and hear yet can’t touch. Yet for others, they cannot see him at all.
He is usually quite docile and just gives off happy sounding whispers so I usually do not mind. The thing is, there are times when he suddenly goes wild. He is usually well behaved during the day but he does not fail to transform every night when I am alone at my room.
Whenever he goes wild, he becomes bigger; he grows sharp teeth and wears a creepy grin. His long green tongue sticks out as his saliva drips down. His eyes give out a red glow as he whispers me words that my ears cannot understand but drives my mind like crazy. Whenever he does, my chest feels heavier as if a large rock is placed over my chest. It gets harder to breathe and it is difficult to urge myself to move.
I do not remember when he first appeared, all I know is that every night became torture since he came to my life. As the days passed, it feels like the heavy weight he gives me becomes stronger. I was growing tired of it that I decided to kill him.
While I was cooking dinner and he was on docile state, I tried to chop him with my knife but it ultimately failed. Just like the gas like thing he is, he just split into two then merged back together again. It was so frustrating that I planned to stab myself instead.
As those thoughts ran through my head, Little Timmy grew larger and became noisier and happier than usual. I was staring at my wrist for a while but my fear got the best of me that I was not able to execute what I ought to do. Starting from that day, things got even worse.
He is now able to go into his wild form even during the day. There are times that when I was at school that he will suddenly grow and give out his weird noises. It was so hard to focus that I usually end up not going to school at all. Yet when I do, he even grows wilder that I just can’t take it.
I tried to keep on going. The only option is to go forward, that is what they said. I tried to distract myself using my childhood hobby which is drawing. Putting my feelings in paper was therapeutic. Timmy was just looking over me in his docile form as I sketch my ideas away.
I was having fun and Little Timmy actually became smaller than his normal size. I thought that if I keep this up, he will disappear soon. I kept on honing my art skills in my free time. There is one time that I was able to create art that felt so satisfying that I just had a strong urge to share it with the world.
I used my Instapound and Facetome account and uploaded my work in my profile. To my surprise, I did not get the likes, hearts nor reacts I was expecting. It was painful, I thought that I did something fantastic and everyone would love it but I was never more wrong in my life.
I thought that if I just continue polishing my skills and just kept on uploading my works, I would finally get the appreciation I deserved. Months went by and I kept on posting art that I made which I believe was good. At last, I saw a notification that someone gave a react and a comment.
It was a thumbs down react from a classmate of mine. The comment was also from him saying “Do you seriously think that you are great at drawing? Seriously? Just a wakeup call, it is an eyesore in my feed and I will block you if you don’t stop” I did not know what to say, how to react, how to reply and the ideas I got for my future creations just disappeared. I did not go to school for days after that.
As I was spending my time locked in my room, I did not notice that the Little Timmy that I already forgotten about grew back again, even larger than I last remember. He was back on the prowl to torture me. To drive him away, I grabbed my pencil again to draw since this is the method that worked last time.
The passion I had for art that I previously had disappeared as if it never existed in the first place. Yet the more I drew, the more frustrated I become and the larger and wilder Little Timmy grew. Just holding my pencil was too painful. I do not know what to do anymore.
Nights passed and it just did not work out. Little Timmy was stronger than ever. He now even dances around the room with his incomprehensive happy singing. I covered my ears with my hands yet the sounds just go directly to my brain.
Like a white noise trying to explode from my head and dancing colored lines appearing in my vision. This is crazy, I am going crazy. My chest felt so tight that breathing became a very daunting task. The more I suffer, the happier Little Timmy gets.
There is no one I can ask for help from since I am the only one who sees him. I am helpless. I did try to tell my parents about him but they did not believe me. I cannot blame them from doing so since I won’t believe me either if I were in their place.
Every morning is a struggle and every night is hell. This is helpless. This is a nightmare. I don’t know what to do. I just want him to go away. I would give anything just to have him away from my life. As I am writing this, he just grew even larger than before.
I do not know what to do anymore. I thought that maybe I can clear my mind by writing it down but somehow it got even worse. I am too afraid to die yet it is also too painful to live. Little Timmy, why did you appear in the first place? Why am I the only one who can see you? Why am I the only one suffering from you?
If someone out there somehow knows how to get rid of him, Please! Please help me! I just don’t know how much longer I can hold on… I don’t have anything to pay you with but I need your help, please…