He can hear birds cheerfully chirping outside his room window at any other day, that would be a beautiful harmony a sign for a bright new day, but for him at this moment it's torture because his been up all night, the thought of sharing this house living in supposedly all girls dorm kept him awake.

And as he was about to finally doze off a loud knock on his door made him jump out of his bed.

"Mina! Wake up you sleepy head it's almost noon, don't you have plans or something?"

Banging on his door is the one responsible for his demise, Miyoko Neyane his childhood friend.

"I'm up...I'm up, just stop banging on my door already..." (God my head hurts and her banging on my door like that is making it worst.)

As he opens his door.

"Yikes! What happen to you? Those bags in your eyes I can fit my whole life savings in there..." she said as she continues to knock his fist in his forehead.

"Your life savings? How much is it? a quarter? And would be please stop knocking on my forehead, I have a headache and you're only making it worst..."

"Not sorry, any way you're giving a bad impression to your fellow housemates here waking up this late, you're making me look bad." She said with a disgust expression in her face.

He glances at the balcony door behind Miyoko and glances at the fire exit window at his back he noticed a dimmed light behind the thick curtain.

"Dude it's already 5." Miyoko claimed.

"Five Pm?!!" he said in his surprised his doziness faded.

"No, it's Five in the morning..." she said with a confused look.

He immediately dash towards the fire exit window which is closer to him and opened the curtain window he notice the sun rising from the horizon, some people jogging uphill and the paper boy doing his routes.

"Mi-yo-ko!!!" he said as he return his gaze back at her she saw her standing near the staircase giving him a tee-hee look.

And she ran down the staircase.

(That woman...she almost gave me a heart attack geez, she had a point though waking up late in my first day is unacceptable anyway since I'm up might as well greet someone down stairs and do some house chores...)

(I need to wash this grime of my face first...)

As he head towards the staircase he can hear voices from the living room, there he was greeted by.

"Oh so you're a morning person as well Mina? Said Raika whom looks like she just attended a ball.

"Or not, you have bags in your eyes." Said Ms.Mikahara as she sips her coffee wearing a business attire.

"You look like someone from a horror house." Snarl Yomiko.

While Kasumi is sitting silently and reading a thick book in one of the living room single sofa, totally ignoring his existence.

(Christ, they are all morning people, I'd be really embarrassed if I wake up a bit late now, I guess I owe Miyoko again for this, next time I have to wake up before them...)

A bit ashamed he hurriedly walks toward the kitchen and in to the laundry room and washes his face in the sink beside the huge washing machine.

When he returns to the dinning are everyone is sitting there waiting for him.

"Well, don't just stand there." Said Ms.Mikahara offering a chair in the middle edge of the dinner table.

"What gives Tegemi, that's your sit why let him sit there." Asked Yomiko between Miyoko and Raika.

"Well, it's kind of a house tradition for the man of the house to be seated in the far end middle." She explains.

"Don't let it bother you that much Yuu, that's where my Dad sit as well whenever we eat," backed Miyoko.

"Let's just eat, shall we." Said Kasumi.

He just sat there in silence glancing at everyone every now and then, he's feeling a bit strange because this is the first for him to eat with everyone in a dinner table.

(I'm pretty sure it was like this when I was five, before I lost my memories though I can't remember much of it now.)

"By the way Yuu, you mentioned earlier that you're going to have a lead role in this upcoming drama series." Asked Raika while buttering her toast.

"Oh, yeah can you give me any advice about being in a relationship." Yomiko replied.

"Ehehehe," Raika laughs awkwardly.

"What makes you think Raika's been in a relationship?" Miyoko interjects that caught everyone in surprise stop what everyone is doing and stare at her in disbelief.

"What?" Miyoko asked confusedly.

"Miyoko a little bit of tacked would be nice every now and then now would it." Said Kasumi casually.

"W-What did I say?" Miyoko asked.

(Dense as always...) he thought to himself.

"Ahahahaha don't worry about it Kass, besides Miyoko is right...I haven't been in a relationship, yet." Raika assured in a friendly tone.

"N-no it's my fault for asking her insensitively, so does anyone here is in or had been in a relationship?" Yomiko continued.

They were envelope in an awkward silence.

"W-why are you looking at me Yuu, I'm still in my high school and in an all-girls school i-I don't have experience in that field." Said Reimako timidly.

"R-right s-sorry Rei." Yuu replied apologetically.

"How about you Miyoko?" asked Yuu.

"What make you think Miyoko have interest in other things besides food." Said Raika while she grins mischievously.

"Ohoh, touche' mademoiselle' touche'." Replied Miyoko looking at Raika giving her a peace sign.

"Kasumi?" asked Yomiko.

"No, sorry Yuu, I don't have as well."

"Tegemi?" asked Yomiko.

Tegemi flinched a little clearing her throat she gives an answer.

"I'm a busy woman balancing my careers and taking care of you girls is enough for me, I don't have time for romance." Tegemi answered confidently.

"You're just too picky Tegemi." said Miyoko casually.

Which Tegemi retaliate immediately by flicking her forehead.

Which field their breakfast with giggles and laughter.

"What about you pervert?!" Yomiko asked narrowed brow.

Which somehow triggered the girls' curiosity as they secretly waited for Minamino's answer.

"W-what about me?" he asked dumfounded.

"What am I thinking, forget I asked." She retorted back quickly.

"Oh, Mina, he's so much of an introvert to be interested in that kind of stuff." Answered Miyoko.

"There you go again answering for someone else's behalf." Reminded Kasumi.

"Ohoh I have a better idea." Said Raika smiling deviously.

"What it is Raika? Let's hear it." Said Tegemi.

"Yomiko why not go on a practice date with Mina to help you with your role." Raika suggested while smiling in her own mischief.

"W-What?! Me? I'd rather die than d-date that introperv?!" Yomiko strongly retracted.


"I think I can't be much of help, since I don't have experience in being in a relationship as well." He replied.

"Y-you don't need to explain yourself you perv, I'm not planning on asking for your help anyway!" Yomiko replied.

"Excuse me girls I suddenly lose my appetite I'm going to my room and get my well-earned sleep."

"B-but didn't you just woke up?" he innocently asked.

"Oh right, you didn't know this Mina but..." Miyoko was abruptly interrupted by Yomiko.

"You don't need to tell him Miyoko he wouldn't understand anyway because his an idiot." Said Yomiko as she walks outside the kitchen.

(How am I supposed to understand it when no one cares to explain it to me.)

"Let's just say she just got back to work she's tired and needed some sleep." Exclaimed Miyoko.

"Speaking of sleep I'm beat, I'll be at my room if anyone needs me." Said Raika as she stood and exits the dining room.

"Raika as well?"

"She works at night." Explained Miyoko.

"Well, I'm off to work then, Mina would you be a dear and check the faucet for me it's making a rumbling sound whenever we turn it." Said Tegemi picking up her blazer and heading out to the main entrance hallway.

"Of course Ms.Mikahara. he replied.

"I need to study, If you'll excuse me." said Kasumi while she tidy up the empty plate they use.

"Good luck with the exam Kass." said Miyoko while making herself another toast.

"How many of that, are you going to eat?" he said while sitting there in amazement.

"I'll be going to my Student Council activity now,Miyoko kindly tidy up for me." Said Reimako as she picks up the remaining plates.

He help tidy up the dining table while making himself familiar with the famille' members schedule.

"So, you're just gonna sit there and finish that loft of bread?" he said looking at Miyoko stuffing her mouth with a triple layered peanut butter, jelly and mayo stuff with bacon and egg sandwich.

"What it's a beautiful Saturday we don't have classes and I'm tired because I've jog 5 kilometers to lose some of my belly fat and now I'm rewarding myself..."

"By gaining more weight than you've lost? You're a freaking genius." He sarcastically said.

"Yeah I know I'm a genius." she agreed.

"I'm being sarcastic..." he retorted.

I'm just gonna give some random quote from the series in this space from now on.