Just so you know the misunderstanding haven't been cleared yet, we and Miyoko tried some under handed tactics (her suggestion) I tried buttering them up like doing favors for them serving them their favorite drink they see through and they hate me more than ever. We we're having a discussion about our next move when I saw an add to my surprise Yomiko is in it.


As i sat there, Miyoko looks at me with a stunned expression..

"You really didn't realize Yomiko was a Pop star right this minute !?"


"Are you freaking high? Did you forgot a few months back you worked at her concert and you even saved her, did you just forgot?"

"Did, that happen? It felt like just a fever dream to me." He replied in awe.

"Have you ever watched television she's been in a ton of variety shows and dramas"

"She's been almost in every recent magazines"

",,,,i , uhhh don't read magazines and i ..uh recently don't have time to watch television.." i embarrassedly admits that i'm outdated on the latest new and trends...

"ohoh...it's because you're a introvert"

"Again with the introvert joke..i'm not a intro..." as was surprised that it was Yomiko who uttered those words...

Miyoko leaned over Yomiko..

"Yuu...you're going on a gig over the semester break right ?"


"Whoa a live show , how many people will come..?" i daringly ask her a question...

"Does it matter how many people there are ?!"

(Urk!..i guess she's still mad at me..) i'm ..sunk. But Miyoko answers my question in her place..

"Haha Mina how many people do you think there will be ?"

"Hmmnn...about a million i guess?"

"Huh? , There would never be that many people !"

"Huh? , Why not , i mean you're really popular , i bet a lot people would love to see you.."

As everyone laughs, Yomiko sniff in disgust

"I don't want to hear that coming from you, you don't even know who i am, till now !?"

"And about a 100,000 will come, the place that the event is not going to be big enough for a million to attend!"

"A hundred .... that's still pretty amazing." ( i guess the world she lived in must be very different than mine..)

...During dinner Yomiko was the topic of conversation....

After dinner.....

I'm relaxing on the sofa alone...(thinking...who would have believe that i'll be living with a pop idol...) if her fans knows this they'll probably murder me..specially the femboys..) I just to the realization that. (oh my god, this would cause trouble to Yuu if her fans knew that a guy is living in her dorm.) I guess i have to be doubly careful from now on...

I know she hates me , but it's the least i could do for her...(yup i won't cause any trouble for her) But her as a pop idol....

I guess she's far from my reach now...and to think i thought i might actually had i chance { told you so..} again no one is asking you...

To be honest, I can't even imagine a scenarios in which we could become friends..it was a mere stroke of luck i end up near her , and a miracle probably for me to share the safe roof ....

S-should i.....? Nah. i just told myself not to cause trouble and here i am thinking i could get close to her..or something...

I guess now i should just ......

distance myself away from her, besides she hates me.

She's a Pop Idol after all....as i mutter to myself...


"Hmn ?" i hear some noise ...is it coming from the kitchen ?

"Uhhnn, just a little further.."

("Oh, it's Yomiko...what' she doing ?!")

In the kitchen, Yomiko is standing on her tiptoes on top of a stool. It looks like she's trying to put those dishes away, but she's not tall enough to do it.

(I guess i'll just live her be, she probably just shout at me if i try to help her) but i can't leave her she might..

"Uhmm Yomiko let me get that for you."

"Huh what?, No ! I't okay i can manage."

I ignored her and jsu help her put those dishes in the cupboard.

"I didn't ask for your help"

"I- i know i just gave it for free." i smiled and about to left off.

"Don't expect me to thank you."

As i about to turn around, i notice Yomiko's wiggly movement move the stool uncontrollably as she almost plummets to the floor my body move on it own and then...

A Huge crash echoes through the entire kitchen falling kitchen ware can be heard


"That hurt...huh ?!"

"Are you okay Yomiko ?"...



"Blood! Y-You're Bleeding!!!"

"I'm what ?!" just i try to sit straight my head started to sting a little and i felt a bit dizzy....

"I'm okay Yuu , i must have hit my head in the corner of the cabinet. Oh yep there's a dent alright, i might have a really hard head, are you okay though..Yuu?"..

I just notice Yomiko sat there staring at me with a concerned look and a teary eye, her cheeks are blushing red as the tear finally drops down her blushing cheek..

"Y-you.... You..."

"I'm okay ..nothing to worry about it's just a scratch .."

"You idiot !!" as she leans her head in my chest, rabbit punching me lightly.

I don't really understand why she's crying and what's going on a bit dazed and confused myself my only concern is she can definitely hear my heart beating like a drum on a march band performing the national anthem...

I might be losing blood faster than i anticipated...i felt my consciousness fading

I ended up in the hospital on the next day.,

" Whoa cool, five stitches? can i touch it?" i move Miyoko's hand away from my forehead as she attempts to curiously touch my the gauze.

"So you're not just here to annoy me, are you...? what do you want Miyoko ?"

"Le' gasp.(Le' Gasp?) is what i get from worrying you're my......(what's with the long pause ?) my best friend..." she bows her head wipes her crocodile tears as she fake whimpers..

"But you did actually put a dent on that wooden cabinet, man i know your head is hard but i never imagine it would be that hard" there it goes...and it only take what? a mere second for her true color to came up.

"So how many weeks. Months."

"I'm gonna be staying here for only three day."

"Booo..boring, so do you want to eat something ? my treat ,"

"Whoa did you hit your head or something? You seems oddly nice .."

"Oh, what's that? you want to stay a bit longer, how about a week, or a month?" as she crackles her fingers, walking slowly towards me threatening to clobber me...

"J-just kidding you know what i want you know my favorite food , w-were best friends after all..." i knew her that well , she's my childhood friend after all , and she actually do it ...

Three days had past, the boarders of the "Familie" Tegemi helps me pay off the hospital bills it's kinda embarrassing but i did promise to pay her back.

Almost all of them came to visit me Miyoko was there every day , she's my childhood friend and the only close to family i had , but i appreciate her visits all of them excepts Yomiko and Kasumi kinda figure she's still mad even after that , i never ask them about Yomiko and Kasumi or their reasons and they never tell me why she didn't came to visit me..

I guess it's for the better though i did promise myself to distance myself from her. But i can't help but feel a bit frustrated. Can't really blame them though.

As i walk back to the Familie Villa (the physician suggested me to take long walks it might help me relax a bit , i had no problem with that though the Famillie Villa is actually near the general hospital) i took a detour to the shopping street since it's a nice day and i actually felt like walking ..

"Huh?" i noticed a large group of people near in the shopping area has formed.

Wondering what's going on i wandered closer.

"Haha thank you, thank you i appreciate the support"

"i-it's Yomiko, she's smiling in front of many peoples. Her smile, if she visits me in the hospital and gave me that smile, i could..." then i realized my promise to myself...

It looks though that she was surrounded by fans in the middle of the street ..i guess she's a pop idol after all..( when i see her like this i understand how wonderful she is , we just left off in the wrong foot. Not that I'm complaining .., but being friends with her would be nice..)

I live with her but i can't even speak with her. Lost in my thoughts i started to skirt the edge of the crowd.

"Hey i'm your biggest fan, Yuu !! , Tell me your phone number please !!"

("what ?!") suddenly one of her fans begins to fester her...

"I'm sorry , i really can't."

Of course, she can't gave her phone number to anyone.

"Ok, okay just your email address please, come on please, Yuu !!"

" i - i can't really do that either..."

Yomiko has been smiling up to now, but now she looks worried.

("uh..oh this looks like trouble ..why the hell is she walking alone , where is her body guards her PA's..") But she's not shouting loudly or anything.

"I'm sorry, i-i'm a bit of a hurry i need to go somewhere, please excuse me."

"Huh ?! wait i want to talk to you a little longer."

She can get out of the circle of her fans, and they all look agitated and now it seems they are all asking the same thing ..("Yomiko really looks worried...she's starting to look ...scared?")

Should i help her ?..She'll definitely get mad at me again for sticking my nose in...but..

(Well here's to hating me completely) "H-hey there !! hold up Wait up"! as i flowed against the sea of fans on my way. My minds made up and plunged into the crowd.

"Mi-mina W-what ?! you should be at the hospital !!? what are you doing here?! Stay out of my business!!? " I stand with my back to Yomiko..

I'm now standing between Yomiko and her agitated fans.

"Y-you're bothering Yomiko don't you see that "

"Yomiko ?.."

"did he call Yuu on her first name?"

"That's Yuu's real name?"

("Oh crap i shouldn't have call her that in public..)

"What?! Who are you Mr. ?!"

"Yeah who do you think you are !!"

The fierce gaze of the fans focused at me and the noise level escalated quickly.

"Umm ..are you her manager ?!"

"You don't look like a celebrity you look to plain for that" (well i'm sorry for being plain.)

Suddenly the fan that ask for Yuu number shouted.

"Hey! are you Yuu's boyfriend ?!"

"Whaaaaaaaaaaat ?"

Yomiko is even more surprised than me, well of course she would be.

"B-Boy friend ?!"

"No Way!!! Yomiko abruptly retorted. Flustered Yuu denies this accusation (well obviously)

The male fan's word spread to the crowd like wildfire...

"No way!"

"Does he think he can keep our angel to himself ?!"


As the gaze on in shock, the crowd get even more fired up! they turn towards me, their eyes burning with envy.

"Hey, you certainly don't look like her boyfriend! , get out the way!!" just then something hit me ..

"Ouch!! Hey'! who threw that ?!"

The fans inch closer to me, their faces angry someone's throwing a soda can at me it hit my head and its not an empty can.


As i step back i stepped on Yuu's foot accidentally who's standing behind me..

"Oh..I'm sorry.."

When i look at her, the confident, cheerful expression she always has is gone.. (She...she's terrified?")

When i realize that the next instant. I don't need to think about this , I'll ask forgiveness later..

"Forgive me Yuu" i have no choice but carry Yuu like a prince would carry her damsel away from the bursting love of her crowd ..

"Aiee..ha ?WAiii?"

"She's taking Yuu away !!!" After him !!"

When i look over my shoulder i see a huge crowd of fans chasing after us

"You've got to be kidding me !!"

I see a familiar face and figure in my peripheral vision...( is that Rei ?) Reimako look surprised as we run past her ...

"Stop !!" someone shouts at me.

"Like hell, i'll stop !!"

We don't have time to call up to her as i carry Yuu and i was gasping for air , but i run like my life depended on it ,that day...

When finally, after the twist and turn I even crossed a busy road just to escape that angry crowd. We reach the Famille front door, I opened it and let her entered first.

"Y-you...you can put me down now.."

"Oh ..i'm sorry.."

I sat at the sofa my knees are trembling probably because all of that running while carrying Yuu..wait i did carry Yuu all the way from here ?!

An awkward silence envelopes us, as i was gasping for air, this is really embarrassing I'm sweating like crazy here my eyes stings a little probably due to the sweat, and i might have dirtied Yuu with... ( glances at you noticed ) Blood ?..Blood !!

"Yuu are you okay? your blouse a-are you bleeding somewhere ?!" i was in a panicked when i notice Yomiko is staring at me with cloudy eyes as if she's about cry ....

"W-what ..is there something in my face.."

"Blood." She replied instantly

"Blood ?!"

When i was about to wipe it off, Yomiko stop my hand and gently place her white handkerchief in my Bloody forehead.

"You're really stupid, aren't you , you just got off the hospital and now you're gasping for air you have open you're wound...and...and..."

Her voice trembles as she gently press it in my wound.. " W-wait here , i'm going to get the first aid kit.."

"Oh. Okay...."

I guess finally the exhaustion finally kicks in, my head feels dizzy and i bit woozy.

I just notice i often loose consciousness when i lived here in the villa..

A minute later....

My head feels warm. My neck feels good, where i am i ? , oh i was in the sofa and i probably loose consciousness ..hey this is a comfy pillow..

And when i finally opened my eyes, the first thing i saw was an angel with a crimson hair and a lovely smile...

"Oh hey, an angel. Did i just die? oh well"

"Don't joke like that!" then i realized it was Yuu as was resting my neck in Yuu's Legs (a lap pillow) ..when i finally realized i suddenly tried to get up but...

"No don't you might open up your wound again..."

(Is she saying that it's okay to use her as a pillow, wait..i'm confused w-what's going on ?..why is she suddenly nice and sweet to me , she do hate me...)

"Bu-but my head must be heavy."

"N-no it's okay , you seems to look uncomfortable lying there without a pillow Rei seems to have wash all the cushion so we can call it even." She said while trying not to look at me.

"Huh ?!"

"Up. I'm sorry. It was my fault you got hurt , but i was....ashamed of myself i can't bring myself to visit , when i finally mustered to courage i was caught off by my fans...I'm sorry i didn't visit you..i'm sorry you got hurt it's all my fault..

her voices trembles and the tears flowed down uncontrollably down her rosy cheeks.

"No uhm, p-please don't cry." i don't have the right words to say to her nor i don't know how i could comfort her, though I'm happy she planned to visit me, but this is all confusing to me...

"It's okay it was not your fault i was an accident, not your fault okay so please don't cry..."

"I'm not crying because I want, okay!" she scolded.

"Ohohh....now this is a site for sour eyes."

"Tehee i knew it , this would be fun.."

"Uhhm..hey guys we-we didn't mean too.."

Miyoko , Raika and Reimako silently watching us from the staircase...

"H-how long have you guys been watching ?!" she asked eyes wide open in surprise

"T-This is not what it looks like !!!

Yomiko suddenly stood up i find myself falling off and hitting my head in the coffee table

"Uh...i'm sorry..."

I returned to the hospital that day...

The next morning...

I just been release from the hospital i sat in the living room sofa and exhales a huge sigh...

She was crying and apologize for not visiting me, does this means were "in good terms" now?! No, no wait don't get the wrong idea, she's just being appreciative i did help her twice now, yeah that's right she's just being courteous there is no special meaning to if. But it did make me happy though. She did smile at me that time...

That sweet innocent smile....

"I'm home.."

Reimako just arrived ..."Oh , welcome home Reimako.."

"Mina welcome home, how's your wound?" her worried expression and kind demeanor makes my heart flutter...if only Yomiko would be this nice to me...

"I'm okay now thanks for asking."

"The other day it looked like you were chased by Yomiko's fans, you were bleeding back then, were you in a fight against her fans.?"

"Oh so that must be it , when someone threw something at me , i didn't quite see what it was , but I'm guessing it's a tin can or something.."

"That was terrible."

"Haha i think we survived it somehow.."

"Hehehe that must be a terrible experience for you and Yomiko.."

"Yeah..who knew her fans could turn out that way.." i realize how tough it must be for Yomiko..(Does she have to go through that every day ? if that really is an everyday occurrence, then it must be tough to be a pop idol...) Just thinking about the shopping street incident makes me worry for Yomiko's safety.

As though guessing my thoughts Reimako smiles at me kindly...

"That reminds me Mina, you were trying to protect Yomiko in the shopping street weren't you...?"

"Ahaha..it not much of a protecting more like running.." as i embarrassedly laugh off my cowardness..apparently she was watching when i jumped in front of Yomiko..


"You look very dashing ..."

"Like a real prince charming in those fairy tale books..."


What did Reimako just say, dashing ? Prince Charming ?!...

As i notice Reimako give me that silent stare as she we thinking of something deep...

"So , I'm right you are a good person."

"Huh ?!"

She muttered something to herself i could barely hear her...

"Men like me?! ...what do you mean?"

"Hmn..huh ?! Reimako shakes her head."Nothing never mind!"

"Oh, that's right Mina...!"

"Hmn ? What?"

"R-Raika ask me if you could help me out in the garden. But' since you just come out of the hospital , maybe some other time if you're up to it.."

"Oh no! of course i'm in top shape condition, sure i be glad to help you."

" You sure ?!"

"Yes i'm sure, "

"Ok then, please do." and with that she scurries off to the kitchen as if running away.

"Well....owkey.then.." Reimako's sudden odd behavior puzzles me, but "Oh well."

I leave the living room and go outside to help in the garden.

A few hours later.

"wew nothing beats good ol' fashioned manual labor," i finish weeding the garden and stood up.

Should i just pretend nothing happen and leave Yomiko alone like i used too. Muttered to myself i went toward the house. As i do i see a figure standing in front of me.

"Huh...Yomiko ?!" i was caught by surprised i stumbled a bit almost lose my balance but able to grab on one of the pillars of the house.

"Oi whoa, be careful, are you still dizzy, you should just lay on the bed if you not feeling well."

(what ?! did she just, she's concerned with me?) She's standing of the window that looks over the garden. (what is she doing there..?")

"oh no, I'm okay hehehe...i just slip a bit,"

"Uhm...What is it Yomiko , do you want something ?!" as i approach her Yomiko looks away and opens her mouth..

"That thing ..before.."

She probably talking about the incident about running from her fans. Oh right the misunderstanding I have to clear that up.

"Uhm Yomiko about the incident with Miyoko..." I haven't finished what I supposed to say when she interrupted me.

"Don't worry about it, after what happen, i- I understand now that just a misunderstanding Miyoko even say so, so don't worry about it and..."

"I was in trouble back there, so, thanks for helping."

"Uh..oh..don't mention it.." (there's a lot of first happening recently, she apologize, she cried , she smiled at me she's not mad at me..and now she's thanking me...this is unbelievable..)I'm almost shaking and Yomiko looks at me in amazement..

"W-what kind of reaction is that ?!"

"Well..uh i just thought you'd be mad at me for something. I'm just surprised.."

"You told me to stay out of your business."


"Er..that was.." Yomiko's face turns redder.

"Because I, because you. I was surprised you pick me up so suddenly."

"Well...uh i was left out of choice, i dunno what to do so .."

"Don't do that kind of stuff, I'm not used to it."

(yeah i bet you're not.)

"Anyway thanks ..." Still red Yomiko abruptly turns away.

So, she yelled at me because she was surprise...?!

No matter how you look at it, she doesn't seem to have a very docile personality ..But she sure is cute..


"huh" as she looked back at me.

"Before that i said to much i'm sorry..."

"So... So it's okay if you stay here a little while longer.."

"Huh..what ?!" (as i tilt my head trying to look cute and confused Yomiko Pouts!)

"I'm trying to say that i gave my approval for you to stay here!"

"for a little while longer anyway!"

(Seriously ?!) "Th-thank you."

"Hmnp!" Yomiko turns away again, seemingly embarrassed by the whole apology thing..Somehow i'm finding her prickly nature interesting..(and she's so cute..)

"Wh-what are you smiling at ?!"

"No nothing sorry." somehow i hold back my smile by biting my lower lip..

"Oh you..." With her face still bright red Yomiko finally turns her back at me.

"Dinners almost ready, hurry back and finish in the garden."

"Yes Ma'am!"

"Okay then" with that Yomiko returns back to the house.

A feeling of happiness fills my heart as i stand in the garden alone.

I spoke with Yomiko like a normal person..but..is this really okay...i might cause a stir in Yomiko's life when i carried her like that. Now I have to clear the misunderstanding and explain it to Kasumi, if I have a chance.


YUU's nickname i got that from my fave j-singer Yutada Hikaru she's my inspiration for this character