The next morning

"Good morning, Miyoko." Greeted Rei while placing the ham and eggs she made for breakfast

"Good morning Rei," she greeted back still down trodden she sits next to Raika who seems to have noticed her mood.

"So, he left huh?" she asked

"He's cleared his room, his things are gone, he must have left when we are all sleep." Miyoko replied.

"Can we not talk about that guy in the breakfast table." Yomiko scorned.

"This must be a perfect day for you Yomiko now that Minamino is gone." Miyoko scoffs

"Yes, as a matter of fact this is." She said smirking.

"What's up with the neighbours? They all seems to be going somewhere." Observe Kasumi looking out the window while sipping her hot choco.

"They must be going somewhere celebrating as well now that, that guy is gone." Said Yomiko smilling.

"That's enough Yomiko." Stopped Tegemi.

"Not kidding though, all the neighbours seem to be going on a trip and I mean a mass of them are going somewhere." Kasumi continued as she looks at the happy faces of the neighbours who seems preparing for a trip.

The rest of the girls grew curious as they look at the veranda back glass door as well.

"Where are they going?" Miyoko wondered.

Then realizing the visit from the next-door neighbour last night, she said.

"It must be the game developing guys I thought It was just a weird joke they did try to give us all expense paid ticket vacation but I didn't accept it." She explained.

Then they noticed the next-door neighbours seems to be packing as well, when the guys saw the girls peeking inside the house they casually waved and enter the car.

"So, everyone is going on a all expense paid vacation except us?" pointed Miyoko.

"I'm sorry, should I have accepted it?" Tegemi wallowed.

"No, it's okay Tegemi I don't feel like going somewhere today." Confirmed Raika.

"I need to study for the coming mock exam." Said Kasumi

"Not really feeling it right now. Said Yomiko.

"I'd rather stay at home today." Said Reimako as she smiled worriedly.

"I guess it's unanimous Tegemi, don't worry about it." Said Miyoko

Kasumi closing the curtains they went back to their sit and continue their breakfast. The day seems to have progressed slowly as they continue their daily activities busying themselves and seems to escaping something.

At the university

The student of the university noticed the foul mood of two of the famous girls specially noticed the looming aura that seems to be around the unobtainable rose her cold eyes are colder and no one dare to seems to even approach her, Miyoko the Friendly Senior that smiles at everyone seems to be out of character as well, her usual smile is been replaced by her frowned expression which seems to be unsound to them. The Famous Pop idol seems to be absent today but they find it odd for her to be absent of all days since the finals are coming.

Tegemi and Raika seems to be the only one who handled the issue normally, Tegemi's a bit strict with work at that day and Raika is at the Famille' sleeping her worries away since her work starts at night, Rei decided to stay at home that day.

Then night fell, the usual night light coming from each home are gone and the only lights that's lighting the street are the street light the sound of the neighbourhood white noise is gone since their gallant new neighbour luxuriously provided them a week of vacation.

Except for the house at the far side of the subdivision the lights might be on and there might be people inside but inside the house seems to feel dreadful, for Mina's absence seems to still have an effect to each member.

They finished their dinner in silence as they help each other to clean up, they sat at the living room in silence doing things they do to distract themselves.

"Guys, I still don't believe Mina, did that."

"Are we still going to discuss this Miyoko?" Retorted Yomiko.

"The evidence against him is clear, he might have not confirmed it but he didn't deny it as well." Added Kasumi.

A sudden silence but then...

"Still! I refuse to believe it! Mina is not like that, he wouldn't do such thing, I'm going to look for him!" announce Miyoko as she stood up from her sit.

"Guys I'm off to work..." said Raika while descending down the stairs and noticed Miyoko rushing through the main hall.

"Miyoko, wait a minute let's talk to my room." Said Tegemi approaching Miyoko.

"No! enough talk! I'm going to look for him and bring him back here! He deserves a second chance!!!" she announced as she rushed to the door but when she opened it someone seems to be standing there.

"Good evening."


Then the masked man suddenly sprayed Miyoko with a green smoke then threw a cannister inside the house which released green smoke.

"W-what..." the only word Yomiko uttered as she slumps down the floor

"S-shit sleeping gas, girls! cover..." warned Raika but a bit late when she inhaled a bit of the gas herself

All of them fell unconscious the guy wearing a gas mask entered the house followed by five other men.

"Tie them up guys and let's get this party started!"

