Now, what ...?) asking myself dumbfoundedly while standing near the bus stop. When I noticed an old lady carrying a lot of things trying to cross the street.

A lot of people just passes by as if she doesn't exist, everyone seems to be busy within this city.

(Well, might as well help her out...)

He approaches her with a friendly smile on his face but as soon as his close the old lady seems to be suddenly cautious all of the sudden.

"Y-you're not gonna rob me aren't you?!" while giving him a disgusting look.

(Do I look like a robber grandma?) "I ..uh no I'm just here to help.." while smiling awkwardly.

"Oh is that so...?" while looking at him suspiciously

(What's with the blank stare, grandma?)

Just then he noticed people started staring at them by the looks of how this is going it looks like his scamming this helpless poor old lady for something.

"C-come on grandma just let me help you with this.." he smiled evading the gaze of passers-by.

And when he tried to lift the huge baggage up, its like he was pulled down instantly.

(Holy shit, this thing is heavy!)

"So? are you going to help or not?" while staring at him blankly.

"I, uh..ehehehe" he smiled nervously (Shit, what now this thing must be weighing a ton can she even lift this?!)

"Do you want me to assist you putting this on your back, young man?" she smirked.

(S-she's like insulting me...)

And she lifts it up with one hand with ease.


As she puts at my back, i can feel the whole weight of it, as i put the strap it on my shoulder to secure it, i suddenly here a sweet voice coming from behind.

"Do you need any help ?"

(Whoa, she's gorgeous.)

She appeared in front of him with the summer wind billowing around her skirt. With wavy brown of wool and her head held high, she waltzed on with an effortless saunter. The clicking of her heels added rhythm to the soft classical music that played onward without pause, deafening the hustle and bustle of the busy streets, Her eyes is blue as the sky it glows with determination in search of someone when her eyes met his she smiled. So beautiful it was like the stars themselves, decided to rest behind the soft cushion of her lips.

(Is she a foreigner?)

"Hi, hello? Are you okay? You're making me blush if you continue staring at me like that." she smiled.

Mina as awkward as he is, he tries to fix his scrunched up messy hair and push his unsettled eyeglasses upwards.

"Uh, Oh! No....S-sorry i- i didn't mean to stare..."

"So do you need help?" she asked smiling ever so sweetly to a guy who seems to be awestruck by her sheer beauty.

"No! i can't possibly ask for you to help, i can manage, thank you for your concern, come on grandma let's go." he said as he awkwardly staggers to lift up the baggage to his back.

"Be careful now." replied the young lady, as she waved goodbye to the awkward young man who seems to be really having a hard time carrying the large baggage at his back.

(He's cute.) she smiled and said to herself as she looks at the young who's at the next street.

(Damn she's gorgeous...) he said to himself while he looks at the gorgeous woman as he struggles not to show that he's really at his limit carrying the huge weight on his back

Hours later.

He finds himself sitting in a bench in near a bakeshop in the shopping district exhausted and hungry he rubs his belly as his stomach growls.

(Damn, i'm hungry i do have money though i need to be thrifty i still need a place to stay for the night look for a job.)

His eyes are browsing the selection of different bread of the store in front of him when he suddenly notice the increase of people in the area his in, a lot of them are carrying camera's banners of some kind and most of them look like those hardcore otakus with their pleaded shirt backpacks and thick eyeglasses.

Before he noticed he was surrounded by a wall of people blocking his view.

(What the...)

"Hey are you here to see Yuu as well?" asked some guy who suddenly sats beside him while cleaning his camera.

"Who?" he asked innocently.



"No Yuu."

"Yeah Me."

"...Screw you."

"Dude, i don't swing that way."

Suddenly wails, cheers, and deafening screams envelopes the shopping district the waves of people push and shove him forward and before he knows it he was in front of the group.

(What the fuck is going on?!)

Then he noticed a crimson haired girl cowering and seems to be cornered by these people she's trying to hide her face behind her baseball cap while the series of camera flashes and the barrage of inaudible chants and questions directed towards her.

He had a good look at her emotions were not easily hidden on her innocent face. Her pain was evident in the crease of her lovely brow and the down-curve of her full lips. But her eyes, her eyes showed her soul. They were a deep pool of restless emerald, an ocean of hopeless grief. As he looked into her eyes he knew, all the beauty of the universe could not even hope to compete with this simple thing: passion. Passion turned her eyes into orbs of the brightest fire, and in them, I read clearly that she would fight to the very last tear for her life. She would not let the world break her. Sure she could cry, but she would never let them take her true self from her. She clung to it with passion. Passion that made her beautiful.

(She's pretty who is she? B-but she's clearly shaking i don't know who she is but i definitely have to do something.)

He dashed forward quickly turns and face the rampaging crowd like the knight he supposes he is to rescue this damsel in distress.

Then he puts his fingers in his mouth and whistle so loud that caught the attention of everyone.

"Calm down everyone you're scaring her," he said with a hand in front of him signaling them to back down.

"Now there's an order to this, we can't achieve anything if we're this unorganized." he continues as the crowd calms down and began to listen.

(I don't know what's going on, but to put this simply she's some kind of a celebrity and these nutty people are her fans or so i think,)

Then the girl shaking in the corner seems to notice the sudden calmness of the situation she's in as he noticed a man with his back in front of him trying to unruffle the people who suddenly burst at her.

She patted his back fix her hair puts on his cap and sunglasses holding the bread in the paper bag he bought from the store then stood behind the man when...

"It's really is Yuu!" said some fan, which quickly jolted the crowd of people back to it's chaotic state.

She cowered behind the man hiding in his back holding the back of his shirt.

 He noticed this and...

"Whoa! whoa! back it up people, back it up!" he pleaded.

Then someone throws something at him which hit him in the head.

"Ouch! Hey who throw that?!" a bit pissed he scanned the crowd.

"Who the hell are you, are you his manager?!" shouted someone at the crowd

"You don't look like one, you look so plain to be his manager." added by someone.

(That's it!)

He turns his head to the girl who's cowering behind him and said,

"Hey, miss play along, i got an idea."

 he saw her open her lips the roar of the crowd deafened her answer. 

"Yes i'm her manager now, please guys would you please calm down!" he shouted trying to top of the loud wails of the crowd.

"Manager my ass! You're just another fan who tries to be a hero in front of Yuu!!" rebutted someone.

"You're pissing us off!!" said another one.

(shit this is getting out of hand i'm gonna get trample when this continue i need to do something quick.)

"Miss i'm sorry but,"

Then he lifts her up carrying her like a princess while they run away from the now vexxed crowd.

"Hey! his running away with our princess!! yelled someone

"Don't let them get away!!" followed by another one.

"What the fuck is wrong with this people?!" 

After a few swift twists in turns to lose their pursuer, they found themselves in a somewhat or by the looks of it abandoned amusement park.

Tired and out of Breath he carefully puts down Yomiko whom casually walks inside without even looking at him he casually followed her fidgety looking kinda guilty entering the park while the masked luchador security guard is snoring in the small guard house near the park entrance.

"Amagi Brilliant Park...." read Minamino as he looks up the huge rusted gates and beat up signage.

"I guess it's lost it's brillance huh?" he nonchalantly chats and sat beside the girl she just carried who's now sitting silently in the bench near a dried fountain.

"Wooo! i'm beat, that was crazy huh? By the way are you famous or something, i mean that was a crazy crowd!"

(She's been silent for a while, is she okay? Poor girl she must be shocked for all that have happen..)

"Hey are you alright?"

As he was about to reach out and hold her shoulders...

"D-Don't touch me!!!"

"Whoa!" (that startled me...)

"I-i i appreciate you saving me and all! But how dare you drag me in this...this decrepit place?"

(I didn't drag you here you just casually walks around...)

"D-don't tell me?!!" Y-You're planning to do something to me?!!!" she said with wide eye as she slowly steps back.


"D-don't what me! You knowing I'm famous brought me here, to do awful things to me! You're kidnapping me?!"


"You're kidnapping me aren't you?!"

"W-Huh?! W-wait listen I didn't bring you here we stopped here because a group of craze loons had been following us, you walk in here in your own accord, and wait a're famous?"

She twitch when she heard this, with her back at me I can only see her ear glowing red, is she angry or blushing or she had this special glowing ears ability that is unheard of up till now.



A sudden flash filled my vision and the next thing I knew I was lying on the cold concrete staring at the vast cloudless sky.

"What the fuck happen?"

I slowly get up a bit dizzy I can through my surroundings I can only see some old dude playing chess on the near bench and a couple of old people jogging on the near park and some practicing tai-chi exercises.

(This is an amusement park right? Why is this place so dead I mean there's still people but they'll soon be dead anyway wow I'm not a good person...) I thought to myself.

"Wait I can't see her anywhere, did she ran away?"

"Well anyway it's not like it matters she did hit me and I think she's a bit crazy...Is she famous though are those her fans..."

"Are you okay?"


I jump back when a blue eyed girl with a long brown hair wearing a red march band uniform suddenly appeared in my field of vision.

"You've been lying there for an hour..."

(An Hour?!)

"I thought you might be dead so I left you alone..."

(Why? You should've woke me up instead of waiting for an hour and living a dead body alone is not normal the least you can do I call a police or something,)

"I was about to get the crew to dig you a decent grave but then you woke up..."

(Dig me a grave? Why? Here? What?)

"As I approach you I was a bit hesitant to say hello since you been talking to yourself..." she continued with a blank expression on her face.

"Who are you anyway?" she asked.

"Me? I'm Minamino Kitagami and you are?"

" Izusu Sento I worked here, I'm the acting manager."

"A pleasure to meet you Ms. Sento..."

Then all of the sudden she was jump from behind by a pink fluffy cat like mascot in an instant she twirl around elbow the mascot in the face and pull out a flintlock riffle on her crotch and shot the cat mascot point blank in the head.

"The pleasure is all mine." She replied.

I stood there in shock with a lot of question in mind...

"We're short in staff, do you want to work here Mr.Minamino Kitagami?"

"H-huh?" I replied still in dazed.

"We're short in staff, do want to work here Mr.Minamino Kitagami?" she said with a blank expression on her face.

My eyes still fixated at the pink fluffy cat like mascot with a smoking forehead.

"Oh' that's Terami he or she not really sure about her sexually, so I'm going to refer it as that, that is Teremi that's one of our cute mascots here."

"He-She- T-that worked here?"


Then Terami suddenly volt right back up and was about to pounce on Ms.Sento here when she pulled out her riffle again from under her skirt and shot Terami in the head, double tapped it to make sure she got it.

"We're short in staff, do want..."

"No!" I immediately replied.

"Oh....too bad then."

Then she rise her riffle and point it on my head.

"I'm gonna asked again..."

"We're short in staff, do you want to work here Mr.Minamino Kitagami." She said with a blank expression on her face and her finger inching itself to the trigger of her riffle.

"D-Do I have a choice?" I nervously asked.

"Yes, do you want to be shot on the head or your crotch?"

(What kind of choice is that?!~)

"So Mr.Kitagami what's your answer?"

"I'd love to work here...."

"It's a pleasure to have you on board, and welcome to Amagi Brilliant Park...Mr. Manager.

"I'm glad to be here....a-ahahahaha...."

And that's how I landed a job to work as a manager of this crazy decrepit amusement park...


Nope they don't exist in the same universe.