01 | Madison Colt

"The Queenbee"

02 | Ally Wright

"The Fierce One"

03 | Chanel Givens

"The Wannabe"

04 | Adela Hemingway

"Sexy but Dumb"


05 | Brett Forrest Johansson

"The Heartthrob"

06 | Gluttonous "Glu" Willow

"The Fatboy"

07 | Ethan Doze

"The I-don't-care-about-you kind of guy"

08 | Harvey Nicholas Whitaker

"The Opportunist"

THE GIRLS01 | Madison Colt"The Queenbee"02 | Ally Wright"The Fierce One"03 | Chanel Givens"The Wannabe"04 | Adela Hemingway"Sexy but Dumb"THE BOYS05 | Brett Forrest Johansson"The Heartthrob"06 | Gluttonous "Glu" Willow"The Fatboy"07 | Ethan Doze"The I-don't-care-about-you kind of guy"08 | Harvey Nicholas Whitaker"The Opportunist"°°°These aesthetics are made by a friend of mine on Wattpad, JonasBrothersFanatic. I write on that platform too and I go by the same handle (@CharleeeyyBitMe).

CharleeeyyBitMe Creator

These aesthetics were made by a friend of mine on Wattpad, JonasBrothersFanatic. I write on that platform too and I go by the same handle (@CharleeeyyBitMe).