The first thing I saw when I woke up was a golden colored field surrounded by white lilies that smelled sweet like honey. The sky was colored in light shades of reds and violets like elegant curtains parting for a beautiful foamy sea.
  I blinked rapidly, standing up on my little toes with a smile on my face marveling at this place. It was peaceful here and I like it.   "What are you doing here, young one?" Someone asked. I jumped, twirling around with wide eyes, heart leaping up and lodging in my throat.   Oh! It was a man who was dressed in a white robe that covered him from neck to toe. A red shawl was placed on top of his attire reminding me of candy. I couldn't see his face that clearly, the only thing clear was his mouth and shoulder length hair but not his eyes.   "Who?" I blurted. "Are you… are you talking to me?"   The man smiled and walked over, kneeling down in front of me. Normally, I would have ran away from a stranger but he gave off a vibe that made me feel safe. Like I was home. So I stayed put.   "Yes, young one," he held out a scarred hand to me. They looked like they'd been burned by a stick or something. "You aren't supposed to be here. You're too young to come here."   I reeled back. Me? Too young? What did he mean I wasn't supposed to be here?   I pouted at Him and crossed my arms. "I'm not young! Nuh-uh! I'm old enough! I'm seven years old and that makes me a grown up!"   "Oh?" fondness and joy coated his voice. "Well, you are indeed a courageous and strong child. I suppose that I can call you a grown up. Although I will say, it isn't your time yet to say goodbye."   "What do you mean?"   "You'll know in the right time, little Mei. Tell me, what do you think of the world and the people?"   The world and the people? I don't understand what he's saying. My cluelessness might've shown in my face because he let out a loose chuckle. "Tell me in your own understanding how the world and people act?"   Oh!   "Well…" I trailed off, fidgeting. I looked down at the grass and knelt down, plucking a lily and holding it in front of me.   "It's… not bad.  The world is a good place. Mommy and Daddy always say that these are good things. Oh! And did you know there are people who do bad things too? Mommy says they have their reasons though."   I paused, looking at him as best as I could with that blurred face of his. "Where am I anyways? It's so bright and peaceful in here! I thought I was in bed?"   He put his hand on my head, ruffling my bob cut hair. "You are correct, little Mei. They do have reasons even if it isn't approved by the law." he looked down, an oddly sad smile on his face. "You'll know this place that you are seeing one day, little Mei. It's time for you to go home. Your mother is crying out for you."   The world dissolved before my eyes as the man stood up. I gasped, feeling myself fall, my white dress bellowing in the non-existent wind as I reached out to Him.   "Wait! Who are you?" I screamed.   "You've known me ever since you were a baby, Mei Aaron. We will meet again for I am your friend. Always."   That was the last thing I heard as darkness made me blind. I woke up somewhere, the loud sounds of beeping ringing like an annoying bell that called us for recess.   "Mo..mmy?" I winced. My throat feels dry and I hurt all over. Opening my eyes as best as I could, I looked around, seeing the pretty tear stained face of my mother. Why does she look so shocked?   "Mei! Oh thank the heavens that you're alive! You've woken up! Oh thank you! God, thank you!"   Alive?   "Mommy.. why are you crying?" I asked, wanting to wipe away her tears.   Mommy didn't answer. She placed my hands on her cheeks and bawled her eyes out as Daddy entered the room.   The door closed with a loud bang, making me jump three feet in the air. My heart thumped out of my chest. What is Daddy doing to Mommy now?   It's been a year since I've been out of that strange building, my dream almost forgotten now. Daddy has been acting strange and Mommy always cries after he leaves. I don't know what's going on but I don't like it. Not one bit.   "Little Mei? Why do you look so sad?" that voice again! Could it be.. "Did your father scream at your mother again?"   I mechanically turned around. The same man I met in my dream was here! Was this a dream too? How did he get in here?   "How…" I croaked out, caving in and not even bothering to know if this was reality or not anymore. I just want a hug.   I felt something drop down my cheeks, coming up in torrents that made my vision blur and my voice choke up. The next thing I knew, I was running and stumbling to his kneeling form. He stretched out his arms and I collided against his chest, bunching my fingers on his clothes as I sobbed and gasped for air. My heart hurts. It hurts so bad.   I felt his arms wrap around me like a blanket and I have never felt safer than I was right now. He was shielding me from harm's way like a Daddy should.   "Wh...why does Daddy scream at Mommy? Did she do something wrong?" I wailed, spilling my tears on his white robe. "Daddy is scaring me and Mommy. Why does Daddy say Mommy is worthless? Don't they love me anymore? Is this my fault that Daddy always screams at Mommy?"   "Little Mei," he interjected, tone soft that it made me cry even harder, my whole form shaking like a leaf. "Little Mei, it's not your fault. Never at all, young one. Your mother and father still love you and that will never change.   However, your father is… struggling and troubled. Don't worry, I'm here. I'm here always."   I looked up, seeing the hint of gentle blue-green irises that stared at me despite the blur in my sight. "Can you help Mommy and Daddy? I… I don't want them to fight each other anymore."   Placing his scarred hands on my face, he wiped away the tears that continued to spill. "In due time, my child. In due time. Don't cry now. My heart is heavy seeing you wail and get lost in despair… I will help you and your family."   I held his calloused hands and sniffled. Even if I was still pained, his words brought me comfort that I didn't know I needed. "Thank you… Please help Mommy and Daddy get along again!"   "I will, little Mei. Although it may not be the outcome you are expecting."   What does he mean not what I was expecting? "I don't understand."   "You will in the near future, young Mei. Don't cry now. Tears don't suit you or your golden heart." He hushed and got out a handkerchief, presenting it to me.   Without a second thought, I slowly got it from his hands and pressed the cloth to my chest, staring up at Him again.   "Who are you, Mister?"   "Your ancestors know me in their hearts and your soul recognizes me even before you were conceived in this world." He replied, standing up and taking steps back.   In a blink of an eye right in front of me, he vanished from my sight like the wind had carried his image away. I stared, my eyesight not leaving the small drop of blood that was left on the ground.   "Mei!" Daddy screamed. My heart jumped, cold sweat breaking out as I ran back to the house, clutching the handkerchief tightly to my chest. I would keep this.   The third time I met him again, Mommy and Daddy were already done. Daddy abandoned us and I was left to comfort Mommy.   I sit outside now, watching the darkened sky that was dotted by glitter, wondering if everything was my fault. Daddy hated me. He hated me and Mommy. Why didn't Mister come and help us?   "Little Mei?" Oh. That voice.   Something snapped within me which made a foul taste linger on my tongue. "What are you doing here? You said you'd help Mommy and Daddy. You broke your promise."   Footsteps echoed behind me causing me to turn and glare at Him. He who didn't help.   "Don't come near me!" I screamed, almost ripping out my voice box. It made him halt, an absolutely pained expression on his face. Something in my chest ached. Don't look at me like that. Don't! Doesn't he understand that he's the cause for all of this?   "You promised! You promised you'd help!"   He took a step back as I stomped my foot. He betrayed me and he deserved everything bad that I wanted to say to him! "You promised that you'd make Mommy and Daddy stop fighting! Why didn't you come? Why didn't you help them? Me?   I called for you again and again yet you didn't come! I screamed for help everytime Daddy hit me or yelled at Mommy! You promised you'd be there! And yet you didn't."   "Little Mei," he began, voice trembling it made me even more angry than I was right now. "I did come and try to help your family. Your mother and father won't fight anymore."   I glared. "Then why did Daddy leave? This is not what I wanted. You promised you'd make them stop fighting!"   "Young one, please…"   "Go away. I hate you!" I yelled, remembering how he failed in making my little family stay whole. "Get out of my life!"   I ran back into the house, not looking in his direction even when he cried for me to come back. I didn't want anything to do with him. I don't want to see him anymore.   Years dragged on and on, I harbored hate in my heart for everything that happened to me just because of Him who couldn't keep his promise. I grew up without my Dad by my side, only my Mom who I had always tried to cheer up. I am in highschool now and I get treated like a punching bag.   I grew up, blaming that man for what I went through even though I didn't know him. Or maybe I do and I just didn't acknowledge who he was.   We see each other sometimes. He tries to approach me but I would always turn my back on him, ignoring all his cries. Even with blood caking his hands, feet, and head, I didn't give him my attention.   But… the way reality is treating me? I couldn't stand it and decided by myself that I would take my life. I looked at Mom who was sleeping, a bunch of pills and a water bottle in my hand. This was probably for the best. I just hope that Mom would forgive me.   Walking out, I stood in the middle of our deserted yard, opening the packet of pills with trembling fingers and uncapping my water bottle.   Pills in hand and bottle ready, I slowly put the thing that would end my life in my mouth. I would be set free from everything, the pain would be over. I trembled, paused and felt my heart pound like a drum, my breath shallow.   A calloused hand slapped my dainty ones tossing the pills away from my palm and into the waiting ground.   "Little Mei! What are you doing? Don't take away your life!" That familiar voice scolded as a warm embrace took me in. I recognized Him immediately and it made me tear up as I collapsed in to a pile of jelly. I screamed all my frustrations and heartache, holding on to the one who I had cursed and blamed. The one who I had abandoned. My friend who didn't do anything wrong.   "Little Mei you have so much to live for! Why did you almost give in to temptation?" His voice was shaky and thick with too many emotions swirling behind it. Oh God, what have I done?   "I don't deserve to live. Everybody hates me! They all laugh and call me names, beat me and bring me down. What reason do I have to stay in this cruel world?"  I wailed, knuckles turning white from how tight I was holding on to his cotton robe.   "Mei, my child," He said, rubbing my back in soothing motions. "Don't take your life at such a young age. Remember that you have a mother and a family who cares and loves you.   Cutting off your life when you've come so far in becoming thirteen years old? It's not worth it. Death is not worth it when it is only achieved by recklessness."   His words halted my world for a moment before I realized what I had done and broke down even harder because what had I done to deserve someone who cared even when I pushed them away and hated them out of childish spite? He had done nothing wrong and had tried to warn me about everything. Blinded by my fear and judgement, I pushed the one who only wanted my safety by separating my parents and then calling for me when my tormentors tried assaulting my being.   And I hated myself for it but at the same time, I couldn't take my life now. Not when He was here comforting me and stopping me from doing it. It was all too much and I found that I really did fear meeting Death. I was not ready and it made my heart and head hurt. Why did I push Him away because of my grudge?   "I'm sorry… I'm so sorry. I did you so wrong." I croaked, wincing at the burning feeling in the back of my throat. I didn't care though. I just wanted him to forgive me.   He didn't answer and that was fine. He just continued to hug me in that fatherly warmth he exuded. I basked in it, slowly uncoiling from my defensive position and just let myself openly cry knowing that what he was doing was his way of saying that he had accepted my apology.   And strangely enough, something heavy was taken away from my very being that night. One that had burdened me throughout my young existence.   Five years went by in a blink of an eye, my recovery was not as smooth as I thought it would be. I still attempted to take away my life. Rehabilitating yourself was not easy but I managed restoring myself little by little with my mother's advices and my odd father figure friend who always stopped me from spiraling down into madness.   I'd began to bloom and thrive the moment that I learned what forgiveness was with their help. I forgave my cruel father and my classmates from what they'd done and it's one of the best things that I could ever feel, making me free and like I was soaring away from all the problems that weighed me down.   I was in an isolated park where people rarely came by, my combat boots hitting the solid concrete underneath my soles. The smell of flowers lingered sweetly in the air as I took in a deep breath, savoring everything that I could smell, hear, and touch.   "Forgotten." Someone lamented.   I froze in my place, my heart pounding when I heard it. A male? What were they doing here and why did they sound like their world was ending? Should I go check?   I listened to wherever that voice was, heard the wavering croaks which made my heart crack. When I saw who made those broken cries, my heart shattered being grinded into powder. There I saw Him, my odd father figure, kneeling on the ground with his back hunched. His feet were bleeding and his bloody hands covered his equally stained face.   Looking down, I finally saw that the blood covering him was from his wounds but they were open and looked like they had been broken by large nails that one would use to punish people back in the old days. A chill went down my spine, my throat locking up at the sight.   I went closer, kneeling down beside him. "Mister? Why are your hands and feet bleeding? Why do you cry?" hesitating for a moment, I gently placed a hand on his shoulder.   He didn't flinch, putting his hands down and gazing at me with his eyes that had lingering tears. It didn't last long though as he averted his gaze to the golden colored sky while the birds chirped in the distance singing their melodies.   "How long will the people wallow in their ignorance? How long will they continue to ignore the glory that he has shown?" he asked. "How long will they drown themselves in sin? Have they forgotten who they turn to when they are down? Were my sacrifices all in vain when they continue to be dead and blind to my calls?"   I couldn't speak, I couldn't process what he was saying, the information almost too much. Stunned in horror at what he had said, I couldn't help but see how cruel people really could be and that included me which made me feel awful. I gently ran my hand up and down his back.   "I'm so sorry that they don't see what you have done, Mister. I wish I could help."   He stared at me again and then wiped away his tears. The expression stabbed a thousand arrows through my chest.   "People don't know me anymore. They continue to indulge and live in their ignorance not thinking about their salvation, forgetting to thank their giver."   Something in me sparked, a flame of some sort as I took the edge of his bloodied robe into my hands and pressed it to my forehead. I didn't want Him to feel unheard. I knew Him. I really did and something in me screamed that too.   "But I do," my grip didn't falter and I was determined to prove it to Him that he was not forgotten. "I know who you are. I lived in ignorance for so long but my soul recognizes you."   There was some sort of glimmer in his eyes that I did not miss. Happiness and hope perhaps? "And who am I, little Mei?"   I smiled, taking his hands and placing it on my forehead. "You are Yeshua, the hope of the people and the father figure that I look up to. I have never forgotten your name that is engraved within my soul like any other human being. I wish I could have done something more to help you."   "Will you pray for the people?" Yeshua asked without missing a beat.   A smile lit up my face as I felt something tingle on my shoulder blades and then spread like a warm fire. A sensation that felt like I was floating on air. "If you will allow me, I will pray for the whole world that they may be spared. I will help you in letting the ones who have lost hope once again find themselves."   Yeshua pried one of his hand away and placed it on top of my head, muttering something and then declaring. "Then Mei Aaron, be the messenger of light and the friend that one leans on when they have lost their way, guide them with your whole heart. I will be with you every step of the way with your work."   The golden rays of the afternoon sun engulfed us as a white glow engulfed me in it's mystical warmth.   I did what was asked, working with dedication and holding on steadfast, trying to help as best as I could to the people that needed it. Father Yeshua and I would talk whenever I would pray, this being the only way we bonded. I fed those who needed it, clothed those who had none, gave what I had to the poor, and became friends with the ones that needed someone most.   I wrote a book about hymns and messages and that's when things took a turn for the worse.   I fell ill with an incurable disease, the doctors informing me and my mother about my condition. They told me that I only had a few months to live and that made mother sadden. I didn't want to see her upset. So instead, I told her that we would spend our days with each other. I kept writing on occasions about messages that come in my dreams and then talking to father Yeshua. I had told mother about him too and she had slowly come to terms that maybe I had a greater purpose.   I put down my pen, laying back down on my pillow, feeling tiredness was over me. I looked at the complete book that was on my chest and smiled, my eyes droopy and an absolute calmness washing over me like a blanket. Mother was by my side, eyes misty as she took my hand in hers.   "It is time.." I whispered, staring at the ceiling that was slowly going dark and then bright again.   "What is time?" She asked, her hand holding mine tightly. I gazed back at her youthful face.   "It is time for me to go. Please, will you honor my request in turning this book over to father Yeshua?" I asked.   Mother tensed. I didn't want her worrying too much. I closed my eyes, smiling for her that I would be at peace, that she needn't cry for me because I would watch over her. "Or you may keep it, mother. But will you allow the world to see the message of the giver? I love you, mother.. please don't forget that. I will watch over you, please be happy."   "My little gem.. I love you too."   I saw a being with wings appear by my side, a white robe was what he wore and large magnificent wings were placed on his back, burning like a bright flame. A Sephia hand stretched out and touched my forehead.   I slipped away, opening my eyes to see that I was standing in the open lily field that I once had seen in my childhood. The vast space extended as far as the eye could see. In the distance I could see a city but as I looked down at my feet, I saw the hopeful faces of the people and that made me smile as they knelt down and put their hands together in a prayer.   "Little Mei," father Yeshua, appeared by my side. I looked up, smiling at him. He looked content, not as peaceful but he looked like his pain was soothed a little.   "Hello father Yeshua. I have returned to join my brothers and sisters again." I said. Something behind me flapped. I turned my head seeing the golden wings on my back. Blinking rapidly, I stretched them, testing their expanse before tucking them back in and then looking up at my odd friend. "Will you allow me to walk with you?"   Father Yeshua smiled and tilted his head, gesturing for me to come to his side. I ran up to him, walking side by side with him and made our way to the golden city that shined without end like a thousand suns.                              
Sephtis Ordell Creator

A girl broken down, a father who's not by blood.