A week later after he finally cleared the misunderstanding Miyoko have caused him, and finally got released to the hospital everything seems back to normal.

One Sunday Morning.

"Hey, guys! Guys!" said Miyoko bursting through the door rushing through the living room seems to be ecstatic while everyone just hanging around doing what they usually do in the weekends.

Knowing Miyoko it's probably some useless facts about everything or a cute something she finds in the streets; they just ignore her.

"Oh, come on guys, at least show a bit of interest." She wined.

"Fine, what is it Miyoko, what is it this time?" entertained Yomiko whilst not even looking at her while doing her nails.

"Don't encourage her Yuu." Said Kasumi peaking at the book she's reading.

"Is it about the new moving neighbors next door." Spilled Raika while browsing her social network news feed.

"Yeah, yeah about them, it seems that they're all guys, like five guys in total." She perked while sharing the details.

"Five guys?" said Minamino under his breath while reviewing the monthly financial report of the Famille'

"They occupied the next door, right? What happened to the lovely old couple living there?" wondered Reimako giving Miyoko a cold ice tea.

"Thanks Rei, and yeah that's what I'd like to know as well, it's kinda weird they suddenly move out without telling a word to us, I mean we're close and all and they're such a good neighbor." Miyoko said and sips at the ice tea.

"Apparently the old couple owe some, Loan sharks' money that's why they suddenly move out but still them occupying it a day that happened, it's a bit sketchy to me." Said Tegemii folding the newspaper she was reading.

(Yeah, that sounds suspicious to me...) Mina thought to himself.

"That's news to me, How did you know Tegemi." Asked Miyoko

"It's been apparently talked about the whole neighborhood which is kinda suspicious as well." She continued.

"What do you mean Tegemi?" asked Kasumi putting her book down the coffee table.

"I mean it's been only a day since they moved out there's already rumors spreading about them and these guys moved in after that, dunno I might be too much reading into it. She explained.

Mina just sat there in silence listening to then when the doorbell rang.

"Who could it be." Said Reimako as she walk to the main hall, but before she could reach the door knob.

"Rei wait!" said Mina rushing to her immediately blocking her, surprised how he moved that fast and without a sound she just stood there in silence.

"Mina, what..." before Miyoko could finished he made a shushing gesture.

"Miyoko take Yomiko upstairs go there with Rei and Kasumi." He instructed.

"What are you on, Mina, I'm not going up~" Yomiko said but again even before she could finish, she got interrupted by Mina's shushing gesture.

Tegemi seems to understand what Mina is trying to do she head up with the girls upstairs. When he saw all of them left upstairs, he opened the main door to stop the chiming of the doorbell. He looked at the peephole and open the door.

"Hi, good morning, how can I help you." He said with an exaggerated smile.

The man standing before him wearing a slick suit we're a bit surprised

"Hi, good morning we're the new neighbor who moved next door, and I just want to greet everyone in the neighborhood." He greeted handing Mina a box of cake.

The man standing in-front of him have a gentlemen aura his well kept hair and the suit his wearing is a dead give away it makes the men behind him looks extremely normal just wearing a colored shirt and worn out pants except one in the overweight department he looks like that usual fat bastard in your off-brand anime a messy hair thick eye glasses unkempt beard and messy long hair the underarm stain is disturbingly visible in his dark shirt with some kind of a lewd drawing imprinted in it.

"Thank you, welcome to the neighborhood." He said while receiving the box of cake.

They just stood there for a minute.

"Can we come in?" the man asked without losing that businessmen smile.

"OH! Right, I'm sorry that's so rude of me." He said as he facepalm himself. "Please do come in." he added moving away from the door and leading them to the living room. Whilst doing that he heard an audible click of the tongue by one of them,

As they sat at the sofa, he noticed the fat one eyes scanning the whole room noticing the nail polish and woman's magazine and few books that's int the table, he left a huge grin.

"Where are the girls?" he casually asked.

"Excuse me?" Mina said a bit taken a back.

The men in a suit give the fat guy a stern look.

"Oh, forgive his, rudeness, are you the only one living here? Are you the men of the house?"

(Now that's suspicious.)

"Oh. As a matter of fact, I am the man of the house." He said proudly ignoring the first question.

"But not really, I mean I don't live here I'm just the land lord, this is actually a dorm for girls so excuse the girly mess that gentleman there seems to have a knack of knowing." Mina retorted while looking at the fat guys and giving him a cynical smile.

"O-oh I just noticed the nail polish and the women's magazine and just assume that there are girls living here." He said in a smug tone.

"Where are our manners let me just call them for you guys to meet them." He said and noticed their eyes gleamed in excitement. The gentlemen beside him cleared his throat which made them return to their neutral expressions.

"Excuse me for a moment gentleman."

He left for a moment and went upstairs and few seconds later.

"They'll be with you for a moment, while waiting do guys want a drink?" he offered.

"A beer for me!" said one of the men wearing a stripe shirt.

The gentlemen give him a stern scary look and.

"Water would be fine." He said and seems to be on edge.

He went to the kitchen for a moment get five water bottles when he returns s the girls are descending down stairs wearing pants and long sleeves. When they see Mina, they gave him a confusing look and just stood in front of the guest.

"Sorry for the wait, here's your bottle of water, forgive me for we don't have beer on the fridge." He said while handing the bottle of water to the guy who asked.

The girls just stood there silently when the guy with the suit stood up and offered his chair to Tegemi then the other men did the same.

"Forgive me, I should have introduced myself first." Said the men on the suit.

(right, kinda forgot to asked their names.)

"My name is Sekkusu Chuso' we are a game developing company we moved in next door these are my team mates." He said and leading the other men to do it as well.

"I'm Apiso Shitto a programmer." Introduced the guy in the stripped shirt

"Brock Hedo a programmer." Said the guy in the pleaded shirt

"Imma becille web developer from France. "said the guy in a hoody

"Dikku Heddo I'm the lead developer." said the guy in the red shirt.

"Hidoi Yatu I'm a lead programmer." Said the fat guy whose been fidgety since he seen the girls.

They all stood their and seems to be proud, and not hiding that they'd been lusciously eyeing the girls, and waiting for them to shake their hand and introduce themselves as well.

Looking at the girls Mina noticed their pained expression hiding the fact that they are uncomfortable with their bland painted smile.

"It's a pleasure to me you all, my name is Minamino Kitagami I'm the acting manager of the house Ms. Tegemi Mikahara hear is the actual landlord. Panning their attention to Tegemi who's wearing a cardigan under his long sleeve shirt and a jogging pants.

"You mean you're living together with the girls" burst Hidoi

"No, don't be ridiculous. Of course, I don't I live in the city like I was saying I'm this house acting Manager." Mina retorted.

"Oh, right...that would be unfair i mean ridiculous, ahahahaha." Hidoi laugh awkwardly and Mina just laugh alongside of him.

The girls just gave me quick conspicuous look.

"Forgive me, I implored a strict no contact with guys and no touch policy when inside this house as one of the rules, so if you don't mind, I'll just introduced you to the girls, I'm sure you gentlemen don't mind right?" he suggested looking at the obvious dejection of the men whose' clearly been dying to shake the girls hand.

"Don't worry Mr. Kitagami they don't mind, they are a bunch of gentlemen." Sekkusu assured as he gave them a stern look.

This guy seems to be not hiding that they disagree with the rules but contorted to it and Mina continued with the introduction

"Where was I? oh right, Ms.Tegemi Mikahara is the one who owed this house and she works at the largest firm in the city, Ms. Miyoko Neyane the one with the short hair and wearing a blue gym clothes with Kasumi Miyoka the one with the long hair and also wearing the same school gym clothes are both in the same university and Ms. Reimako Ikagami here who's wearing a hoody and jogging pants is a senior high school student in a all-girl school and the gorgeous lady standing behind me is...." he continued

"Raika why didn't you changed your clothes?!"  he whispers.

"Kinda forgot, and that's why i'm hiding behind you..." she whispers back winked at him and smiled still wearing her hot shorts and blue sleeveless blouse.

"Ms. Raika Ikagami she's a university student as well;" he said without breaking his eye contact with the leering men as the girls wave and give an awkward smile.

Mina quick thinking that this scenario may be prolonged said,

"I'm sorry gentlemen but it's Sunday and they are in the middle of studying and Ms.Mikahara here are in the middle of her beauty sleep when I wake her up so I hope you understand that we need to cut this event short, let's continue this (never) next time If that's okay with you guys." He said while smiling widely at them.

"O-Of course forgive our intervention, we're about to leave as well, we do need to introduce ourselves to the other neighbors." Said Sekkusu with his businessman smile.

The remaining guys just smiled awkwardly a bit hesitant to leave but Mina guide them to the door and waved them goodbye and when he saw that they all left their front door; he closes the door slowly and making sure they are gone he looked at the peephole.

Turning back to the living he was welcomed with flying long sleeve shirts, hoody, cardigan and gym clothes.

"What-are- you-guys-doing?" he asked with a blank expression on his face while looking at the girls whose back at their Sunday outfit short-short lose blouse and sleeping shirts.

"Thank goodness that's over." Said Raika lifting the neck of her blouse as she fans herself with a magazine.

"What's that all about Mina?" asked Kasumi holding back her book.

"Yeah! What's the big idea making me stay upstairs!" roared Yomiko as she descends the stairs and  sits next to Raika

"Do I really need to explain myself?" he asked while picking up the clothes they throw at him.

"Come on girls, isn't the answer really obvious." Said Tegemi keeping her long sleeve shirt (Without the cardigan) lifting her legs up the sofa and sipping some tea.

"Forgive my stupidity but, yes you need to explain yourself, ordering us to wear hot clothes and locking Yomiko upstairs." Demanded Miyoko.

"First of all i didn't locked  Yomiko upstairs second she is a celebrity we don't know those guys they might be a paparazzi pretending for all I know, and third you guys are all girls wearing *ehem* clothes that NSFW in-front of guys you barely even know is a no go for me." He explained.

They look at him in awe while Ms. Mikahara just nods her head in agreement.

"Oh right...I'm famous." Blurted Yomiko

"Did you seriously forgot you're a celebrity Yomiko?" he said with a cynical smirk.

"S-Shut up, Mina! I sometimes forgot okay!" she pouted.

"Ara-ara are you saying Mina that you're okay with us wearing scantily clothes as long as you're the only one who can see it?" said Raika smiling mischievously.

"T-that's not what I said." He stuttered.

"Oho, is that so Mina?" teased Tegemi whilst slightly pulling down the neck of her large oval shaped shirt revealing a bit of her shoulder.

"Please, Tegemi not you too." He said as he immediately looks away.

The house ones again filled with wholesome laughter but unbeknownst to them.

*Is It confirm that she's there? *

"We didn't saw her but the neighbors confirmed it."

*Just make sure! *

"We will do something about it."

*Then do it! Don't waste my time! Report back when you confirmed it! *

The voice in the opposite line disconnected

"That lucky bastard, living together with gorgeous girls it's pissing me off!" he wailed as he kicks in the door.

"Calm down, you pig! Don't make any ruckus were still new here, we don't want pesky neighbors snooping around."

"That dude, is he going to be a hindrance with our plans?"

"We can easily take care of him, the information we gathered said he's been living there for almost 6 months that's not long enough for him to established a trusting relationship with them."

"Boss, didn't he told us he didn't live there, why the lie though? Do you think he's on to us?" worried stripey

"He's just cautious, probably because of the rumors about him, we can easily destroy that guy there's nothing to worry about."

"Still, I'm pissed off! He's definitely smelling their dirty panties drinking their bath water and spitting at their drinks! Fuck!!! I'm so fucking jealous!!!"

"Stop squealing pig!"

"S-sorry boss."

"The cake is laced with sleeping pills boss; we can easily enter without waking them up then we can install cameras."

"OHHH!!! Way to go Frenchie!" squealed the pig

"Let's just wait, when everyone is sleep then you Frenchie can install the camera."

"W-what about me boss, I want to come along!"

"The boss strictly ordered to confirm if she's there, if she is, we're just going to survey them for a while, ones Frenchie installed the camera you can jerk off to everyone of them as much as you like!"

"OHOHOH Thanks boss you're the best, whooo I cant wait!!!"


There's a Leeming danger from a distance.