My alarms have been buzzing for a while now.

"It's morning already?"

Outside, the window the weather is fair and comfortable.

I turn off the alarm on my cell phone and let out a small sigh.

(I'm not exactly sure if I slept last night...)

I'm not sure if I've slept properly last night I've up for 2 days working on managing the Familie accounts it might be stressed but what am I supposed to be stressed about. Tegemi gave me days off but I'm still a bit guilty waking up a bit late today.

(W-Well...there's no point worrying over it.)

(Ummm...I guess I'll get up...huh?)

"What was that?"

Somebody is dashing down the stairs with tremendous momentum

The next moment.


Someone kicked to door in.


"Hey !!!, Good morning!"

"What the Flock, Miyoko!"

"Yep! That's me, Miyoko!"

"And I'm here to wake you up!"

She wears a smile brighter than the sun

"Come on, Mina, how long are you planning on sleeping?"

"Christ, I'm up, I'm Ooofff !" but even before I could, Miyoko pounces into me and sat on my stomach.

"Miyoko, what, the fudge are you smoking, woman, get off me."

"As if you don't like being pinned down like this." She smirked.

"Y-you're sitting on my stomach I can't breathe you whale."

"Anyway, why are you on top of me?"

"I wanted to surprise you, Onichan."

Hearing her say that in a somewhat cute voice, gives shivers down my spine.

"I'm in pain, woman!"

"Just think of it as abdominal exercise and endure it."

"This is more than an exercise, you're heavy as a whale you land whale."


(Oh shit, I know that look.)

"Mina, what did you just say?"

"What?" A-ahahaha, wait, Miyoko,st-stop it!"

"Ahahaha I'm sorry, I'm sorry okay you're not a land whale just a whale.!"

She continued tickling me, we've been friend since we were kids, she knows every ticklish part of me.

"Can you repeat that?

"N-no I meant you're hot and sexy and not a whale at all, just a pig, ahahahahahah"

"Why you!"

"Stop, seriously I'm sorry I didn't mean that, stop!ahahahaahaha"

"Why are you still laughting if you're sorry."

"Because you're tickling me you twat."

I'm going to die laughing first thing in the morning

Abruptly, Miyoko stops her torture.


"So, Mina, do you feel better?"

"Huh? (what kind of question is that I even have a boner you know.)

"Yesterday, you seemed a little deflated."


"I wanted you to feel better, that's why I came here to wake you up."

Miyoko lightly pinches my cheeks.

"When you're feeling down, the first, most important thing to do is smile."

( seems before I came here, I forgot doing that.)

"Because when you laugh, you feel better."


(Has she been worried since our conversation last night?)

We had a bit of small talk yesterday I kinda expressed my worries to her.

"Hm? What's wrong? You're staring at my face..."

Just looking at her smiling face makes me feel better. By the time I realize it, my feelings of melancholy have disappeared completely.

"Sometimes I wonder, if you're just messing up with me or you really are a good person deep inside that darkened heart of yours."

"Oh, what was that? Do you me to hit you, sure no problem." She said with a blank stare in her eyes cracking her fist while slowly approaching me,

"I'm kidding, thank you, I feel better now"

"Hehehe, I'm glad."

(There's that smile, she goes completely 360 from a serial killer to someone who look like she couldn't harm a fly.)

"Just as I thought, Mina. You're much cuter when you're cheerful like this."

"Cuter? Like what a pug?"

"More like a rug, and why are you blushing?"

"I-I'm not blushing!"

"Tsundere? Seriously? Is unbecoming of you, anyway, get up, wake up, it's almost breakfast." She said while giving me a disgusted look.

"Honestly, I will, so get off of me." (Before you notice my boner.)

I stretch out my hand and push her off, when...



"H-hey, Mina?!"

"You just touched my butt, didn't you?"

"Where should I touch you then, your breast?" I asked jokingly

"Y-you pervert!"

"I-I'm sorry! I'm kidding I accidentally touched it when I tried to get up." (welp its really up now, if you know what I mean?)

"I don't believe you!"

"Then get up!"


"Something hard poke my butt!"

"I-it's not what you think!" (well it's exactly what you think...)

Her movement Is causing my rod to....


"I didn't think you were a pervert, with an ass fetish!!"

"Y-you're wrong! (I'm more like a boob guy) This is all a misunderstanding, just calm down and get off me." (why are still sitting on top of me?!)

With her now on my crotch and her foot is entangled with my bed sheets, she's struggling to get off me, and then...

She loses her balance and is in danger of falling off the bed and hitting her head in the study table near my bed. I quickly try to support her.

"W-wait! Don't get up so suddenly..."

(it's been up for a while, oh wait that's not what you mean by that.)


A huge thump can probably be heard from downstairs as my back hit the carpeted floor with such force it made the whole room shake.

"Are you okay?"


(Wh-what? I thought I fell to the floor...)

But the floor is as soft as the bed.

('s softer than the bed, and feels better...)

"He-Hey! Mina! G-get off of me!"


Right before my eyes is Miyoko, red up to her ears. In the momentum of falling from my bed, I had pushed Miyoko when I rolled onto the floor.


"L-Like I said! Can you get off of me!"

"A-ah! I'm, sorry!"


"Mina...? Are you alright? What was that sound?"

Rei suddenly rushed into the room responding to the sound of us falling off the bed.

"W-w-w-w-w-wWhat? Are you doing?!"

"T-this is not what it looks like, Rei..."

"Wh-Wh-What? Y-you two...what are you doing?!"

"R-Rei! It's not what it looks like! This is an accident!"

"Hey! What was that sound?!"

"What's the matter?"

The next moment after I try to clear the misunderstanding, Yomiko and Kasumi rushed in make an untimely entrance.

Followed by...

"Goodness, so this is the cause of all the racket, first thing in the morning."

"Hehe, I guess it pays to wake up early, What a precious sight..."

Even Ms.Mikahara and Raika come in to join the fun.

(Why, just why of all the moments why?!)

"Wh-What are you doing?! Get off Miyoko this instance!" she demanded as she pulls Miyoko under me.

"You're despicable...." Snarled Kasumi.

Together the girls stare at me suspiciously.

"Mina, turns out you're surprisingly forward. Don't you think so, Tegemi?" asked Raika

"Perhaps you could call him a wolf in sheep's clothing."

These two seem to gaze at me with amusement, rather than suspicion.

Suddenly Yomiko faces me, trembling.


"After the extent I had gone to warn you yesterday!"

With her face bright red, Yomiko rounds at me.

(oh boy here we go...)

"You told me you wouldn't do any other weird things to the girls of Famille' didn't you? And you wouldn't be abusing your power as the new land lord!"

"What you're doing now is as weird as it gets it's practically assault !!!!" Yomiko continues to roar at him.

"I-I'm telling you, this is an accident, Isn't that right, Miyoko?"

For some reason she just stood there in silence blushing as if she's innocent or something,

"Hello? Miyoko?"

"Um, well...."

Embarrassment etched on her face; she acts flustered.

In response, Raika grins devilishly...

"Oh? Miyoko, you wouldn't have been, enjoying yourself by any chance?"

"Huh?! Wh-What?"

"So...?" peeved Raika.

"Ummm? H-he groped my butt..." Miyoko said timidly

"Don't phrase it like that!" I quickly retorted

As I roared, Yomiko and Kasumi faces grow darker next to me.

"This is why I said I was against living with this animal!"


Due to the biggest of misunderstandings, I am now more distrusted than the day I moved in. All the effort i did to make them trust me, flushed down the drain in an instant. We shared our breakfast in awkward silence while Yomiko and Kasumi are staring daggers at me. Tegemi and Raika as usual just smirk at me, at least they still trust me, i hope they still do.After we finished, I usually help with the dishes with Reimako but as expected since she the event this morning she then again distance herself to me. I went to school down trodden contemplating on what should I do to clear this misunderstanding.

"Mina, are you alright?"

"I'm dandy, just fine."

"you don't seem like you are..."

(And whose fault is that?!)

Heading to college, I force back the involuntary tears that are tempting to overflow.

Then suddenly she laughs apologetically.

"Really, I'm sorry I should've explained what actually happened, to everyone sooner..."

"Geez, I dunno, you think?!"

"Sarcasm is becoming of you."

"I-it's just that...when you suddenly did that to me...I was surprised...I kinda forgot you're a guy after all."

"That was an accident, Miyoko."

"I dunno, you did grope my butt after all and you even got a boner." She sneered.

"I-uh..." (shit, she noticed that?!)

"Kidding, I know, it's alright."

Her face turning red, shows her embarrassment.

"I-I also shouldn't have been fooling around on your bed, I'm sorry."

"Oh, you're sorry now..."

"I was bullied at college, at college, Miyoko!"

"Why, who did?!" she asked

"My classmates, the whole school, because the pop idol and the unobtainable rose are gazing daggers at me, they thought it did something to them, so they white knighting me!"

"Well, you did something to them."

"I did not!"

I sigh a huge sigh.

"It's my fault anyway..."

(yeah, no shit woman.)

"Hmm....even so..."

She folds her arms and appears to be thinking.

"I'm also to blame for the misunderstanding..."

"We're not kids anymore after all..."

"Alright! I've decided!"

Suddenly as if hit by an inspiration, she raises her voice.



"I'll help clear the misunderstanding with the others!"

"You mean make it worse?"

"No! You dick! Leave it to me! We need all of them to know..."

"That you, Mina, aren't a monster who goes around groping their ass and pinning them to the ground."

"That's not making me feel better you know."

"Hey, at this point were only foreplaying. Of course, you wouldn't feel better, yet" She smirked.


"Anyway, leave it to me." She smiled and slaps me on the butt.


"Now we are even."

Even though I know that I can rely on her...I still in doubt.

(W-will it really be alright?)

It's the annoying childhood friend we all have those...right?