1867- Northern Port

I knew this day would come but I forgot it all because of you. The second this letter is delivered to you, I would be in a boat sailed back to my native land. The land of pirates I so despised will always be in my blood. Your land will never be my home.


I wanted to escape, to run away. I know that only tragedy awaits me at every turn. Tragedy I bring you.


Do not pine for me. Do not wait by the Casa in the north anymore. Do not worry for my safety for I brought you this pain.


I am not asking you to forgive me for I want you to forget. Live as if a name like mine does not exist.


Return to Limpio where your sky is. Let us live the fates we cannot escape. If happiness cannot be for us, then what matters is you survive. Please.


Burn this.

SamCarreon Creator