After hearing the stomping sounds coming to my hallway, and as he reached the door.


*kicks the door hard* I can hear him, knowing who exactly is that man..


Hearing the loud bang I flinch nonchalantly while writing my report on my table.


 “ well, well, well, how’s my friend doing?” he asked like he is my superior, I replied back in deep vocal“ still the same as usual” and I continued to write knowing well I am pissed about him because of his behavior.


He walks slowly to me as he speak “ why? Talking cold again? Seems like the typical of you, but I am not here to greet you” I never exactly knew what he is thinking for a moment, I decided to pause my writing for a moment to see him face to face.


“what kind of business do you have exactly to me?” I said in impromptu motives.


I can see his right hand behind him, holding something like a weapon, pretending I don’t know it…


“seems like you knew what is my ulterior action towards you…” he replied as if he recognized where I am looking, either its too obvious for him or its just a luck


I’ve been thinking why and how did he know my location in the first place, in addition to that is i also never told him about my place nor where I lived. Besides that’s not the point in this situation.


“and what kind of action may I ask? Possibly death?” I asked mentally prepared knowing the situation is going to be downfall.


I unconsciously grab my pen but he teleport in front of me and punched me to the left of the desk, the blow of his strength is immeasurable for now considering how strong the punch is. As for my own ability, I managed to survive that which is a portion amount of strength I have..


“*gwak*, you think violence is the answer for the business huh?” I said while I’m panting and spitting blood..


“this is no child’s play my friend, more like a forced habit to me”


 and he showed me his right hand with some documents I hid from the archive, possibly he used brute force to breach in, yet those documents is filled with something of a prototype I am working on before on my own expedition at some time.


I stood frail and I want to make a comeback using my strength, I ran towards him and punched him consecutively, from head to torso to make him feel weak. The result is he stood still like a humongous rock on the side of a cliff.


“ Violence, what a word for something the business man wanted to achieve on daily basis in life”


 he replied as he raised his right hand with closed fist, grabbing something from the top and the ceiling lights reacted. Shaking intensely and detached then came towards his fist like a magnet.


I unconsciously asked “what in a tarnation of humanity are you doing?!”


I abruptly realized what I asked to him so I approached him. He explained the reason..


“this power, is something you have been working on for years, I copied it behind your back for a long time! This is the first successful prototype I made using your own blueprint first prototype.”


He grabs my coat towards him forcefully…

“how did you do that?? I never seen someone somehow copied the exact thing and it works like how I imagined!!” I angrily replied in rage..


“i think this is none of your business for now my friend, looks like we have to end our conversation right here..”


He kicked my stomach afterwards leaving me not standing up before I could catch him swiftly.


“this is it! Our business here is now dismissed.” he replied as he disappears from the vortex space on my hallway, seeing him disappear makes me wonder why such individuals have the right to copy my own inventions I didn’t invent yet.


“what a bastard piece of shxt I would say”


I stood up frailly and continue to walk slowly as I feel weak and I saw a note on my desk saying..


“Business meeting is for cowards, unlike you, you are an exception to my black list”


I don’t know who write it, is it him? Or am I just stupid?


Who knows, he will be a worthy opponent someday..

EFV123 Creator

you may be wondering whose the first individual to declare such business deals on someone we either knew or not