The strongest student
Chapter 13
Gym owner

"The next morning, Jay took a quick shower and got dressed because it was the first day of the gym he was going to."

jay - grandma I'm leaving!

grandma Teresita - okay jay be careful!

"on the road"

jay - what does that gym look like!?
There are a lot of people even though it's just open, it's embarrassing to go in. There might be a lot of people.
there is a jeep!

"inside the jeep"

jay - this is the payment, just give it to the driver, thank you

jeep driver - where is it?

jay - it's just there in town!

"getting off the jeep"

jay - maybe I'll just walk. It's almost here.

"a few minutes later and arriving at the gym"

jay - maybe this is the gym written on the paper! It doesn't look like a gym, this place looks old and dirty (enter)
Knock Knock! is there anyone here?.
why is there no one here? after all, this gym is still new. Hello, is there anyone here?

??? - boy who are you? and how did you get here? (suddenly notices the paper that Jay is holding)
That's why you saw that paper, come and come here.

"jay came over"

jay - hello! about This paper, I just picked It up on the way as I was leaving the house. do you own this gym?

??? - Yes it's me! I am the owner of This gym

(unknown, gym owner, wrestler legend, fitness and wrestling tutor)

jay - why are there no other people here and this gym looks old?

gym owner - do you think it's newly opened?

yes - yes

gym owner - that's where you made a mistake HAHAHA!!! (laugh out loud at the same time)
the truth is that this gym has been around for a long time and in fact you are the first customer to enter here HAHAHA!!!

jay - is that so!? okay, I'll leave.

gym owner - wait kid don't leave!

Jay - why? what can I do here, it's dirty and there are no people.

gym owner - It's not like this gym is old and dirty, you can just insult it kid.
(gym owner stares at jay)
hmm... . I think you have a problem kid!?

jay - in fact, I want to lose weight and get stronger because I am being hurt, beaten and bullied at school. I haven't been to school for several months since that happened (sadly said)

gym owner - is that so! I can see my situation with you when I was your age, but not just at school. when I was a kid like you, I was beaten up in corners and alleys in places where there weren't many people, but because I was determined to get stronger, and the day came when I got stronger, I hit back at everyone who hit me HAHAHA!!!

jay - wow is that so! I hope I can get stronger and take revenge

gym owner - If you don't leave and stay in this place I can help you with your problem kid

jay - If that's the case, then from now on, I'm going to get stronger (jay is very happy while saying this)
shall I call you sir?

gym owner - sir!? I'm letting you in here and I'm going to teach you and then you're just going to call me sir?! yes I will be your teacher but I teach differently compared to other teachers.

jay - hehe I'm sorry, I'll just call you master

gym owner - That's what I want from you kid, from now on call me master HAHAHA!!!

jay - master what should I do first?

gym owner - the first thing you do is... .
go home and get your things and stay here until you get stronger!

Jay - EHHHH!!! If so, how about grandma she has no one to be with at home (sadly said)

gym owner - don't worry while we are talking I will send someone to your house

jay - huh? how did you know our house?

gym owner - it's a secret HAHAHA! (laughing loudly)

"What Jay didn't know was that even though the gym he went to was dirty and old, it had an underground basement where the gym owner had friends in that place and one of them was the best hacker.

(unknown, hacker , one of the gym owner's companions)

gym owner - all right kid, go home and get your things ready

jay - all right, master, I'll be back tomorrow with my things

gym owner - be careful kid and say goodbye to your grandmother properly

jay - yes master, bye!

JRLnovel Creator

the strongest student chapter 13