(3) Ansel


It was almost eleven years since the

baby boy was born. And the small Earthen

hut had never been happier. The boy

grew up without ever smiling again.


Whik had seen it all, since that longest night,

from that spiteful creature lurking outside

to the newly born baby boy who was

missing a left ear; he could only sigh. 


For he was only a phantom Skribu,

who can only watch the Earthen beings.

Using his All-Seeing Eye and marbles

around his waist, he sees through anything.


Now, as it happens, there is a marble

attached to Ansel, who's being bullied

again because of his famed handicap

despite his thick hair having it covered.


Lying face down on a pit of dried leaves,

he tried to get up and gather his things.

But his schoolmates continued throwing stuff

at him like he's a trash can, while shouting...


"BONGOL! SUMPA!" He is used to it though.

Now, he only wants to get over this

as fast as he can so he can go home

and play with his toys alone in his bliss.


With trash all over his disarranged hair

and soiled school uniform, he finally

made it home. He's now fetching water from

their well at the back, to wash quietly.


He didn't realize the rustling of leaves

that came from their cornfield. When he was done,

he got inside and took something out from

their sink's cabinet - his own secret can...


where he kept materials for the gun

he had been working on, called the "Lut-hang".

While Ansel was busy, Whik had felt an

unexpected presence in their midst. And…


It was watching Ansel too but only

on another plane, not on the Earthen

where humans dwell, not even on Whik's plane.

'Twas Ansel's guardian angel on Heavlen.

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