(The first version of this story was in our local dialect, Pangasinan. The second version was in Pilipino, our National language in the Philippines. And lastly, translating this story in English is kind of bloody. I am not really good in English. So please, be kind and bear with me.


            Sir Blade

"Are you an angel?" Rane said in surprise.

Rane had just finished making a spell where an angel would appear. And after she did such a spell, suddenly there was a thick white smoke all around the old church where she was . And at the same time as the smoke slowly subsided there was a sudden appearance of a man. She was amaze while staring at the man and she could not believe its sudden appearance. She did not know if this was true or what was happening.

"No, I'm a fried chicken. Why, are you blind?"

The stubborn language of the man.

"Ande lay atet!" Rane suddenly exclaimed.

(Ande lay Atet-expression in Pangasinan when you do not believe what your interlocutor is saying.)

"Huh, anak na lase! Are you dumb or what? Your still asking a question that is already answered by my appearance." the man replied.

(Anak na lase- some kind of bad expression when we are upset, irritated, confused and surprise. Meaning son of a bitch.)

The man is tall and has long hair that looks like a SALON straight. He was wearing a black jacket with a red cross design. Its interior is a white t-shirt. He wears grey pants and shoes. He looks normal. But unexpectedly...

"Oh, you've released, Blade!" said by a giant spider.

It had only one eye and it was in the very centre of its head .. It suddenly appeared from the window of the church which was ruined ... It was black and hairy. It had big fangs in its mouth.

"Stop interrupting, you lice! We don't need to see an ugly being!" answered suddenly by Blade.

Blade did not even move or feel afraid of the large spider. He was confident and proud. The spider shake it's head, it rattles. Blade made him mad.

"You arrogant animal! You just got lost there! I'm a spider, not a lice!" the monster was really annoyed.

"Huh, It's not my fault! This woman just release me from spell." Blade said it in confidence.

Suddenly the giant spider turned to Rane and looked furious.

"You bitchy!" the angry spider said.

Rane was stunned and frightened. As Blade, he read on the old stone where it was written how to restore his power. His soul needs a touch of a human spirit. The human must have a pure heart and its soul is not corrupted. Meanwhile, the giant spider attacked, it released a lot of webs towards Rane. The late was not moving, for she was scared. Her body froze.

"I will eat you!" said by the angry spider.

Fortunately, Blade acted quickly. It pulled Rane away, and they immediately ran away from the spider.

"Don't be silly! You just stand there, you're going to die!" 

They quickly hid behind the ruins of the old church. After they hid from the enemy, Blade suddenly turned to his companion. And suddenly.

"Hoy, girl! Kiss me, hurry!"

"What ?!" Rane blurt out.

Her eyes widened and she gulped in no time. Suddenly her heartbeat quickened as if it her heart was about to come out of her chest. Blade was annoyed by his companion's reaction.

"Anak na lase! I also don't like it! There's no other way to restore my power! Now, kiss me!" he exclaimed.

"No!" Rain said in protest.

She can't believe her first kiss will happen suddenly?! She held her chest because she was about to die of extreme nervousness. Her mind was irrational.

"I'm already there!" it was the voice of the spider.

Based on the noise they hear, it seems to be close to where they are. At any moment the monster will find them. Blade clenched his fists.

"That animal being! It's like a dog, he smells us! Buwisit!" Blade exclaimed and then turned to Rane again.

(Buwisit-bad trip)

"Don't be so hesitant, there. Come on! Kiss me!" Blade said in a hurry.

"W-What are you serious?! In this situation, your asking a kiss?" Rane was really shock.

She can't absorb what is happening right now. Her first kiss! Thug! Thug! She heard her own heartbeat. She doesn't even know the man yet.

"The more you chatter, the more time is wasted! We're going to die!" Blade was really in a hurry.

No more time to waste. The enemy is coming and he needs to regain his power! Blade immediately decided, he grabbed his female companion by the chin and immediately kissed her without saying a word. Rane just close her eyes. She had no idea what is really going on! But if this kiss would save her from being a food of this filthy spider, then come what may. The moment their lips contact, they were covered with a bright white light. Rane closed her eyes and just felt like she was floating in the air. Because of the light, the large spider saw them.

"Wow! What a sweet scene! Ha ha ha ha! YUCK!" The spider was mocking an insult.

The kiss was just a sudden. Blade felt his power flowing all over his body. It was regain! He turn towards the giant spider. He grin. Vaulant was the master of this monster. Vaulant was one of his fellow angel traitors. He clenched his fists tightly. For him it was all just a moment even though he was imprisoned for a long time.

"Not your fun!" Blade answered boldly.

Meanwhile, Rane slowly opened her eyes. She was amazed at what she saw because the man with him had white pairs of wings. Its body is slightly white. He could clearly see that even the monster spider was amazed.

"I'll kill you, Bladey boy!" the spider exclaimed.

Blade just grin. Then he said..

"All right! Your the one who is going to die! You know the word 'keret'? Terrible death by crushing you into pieces, animal!"

"Oh come on!"

Blade moved quickly. He jumped high to attack the spider. Here he uses his LIGHTNING FIST - a technique in which lightning covers his right fist. He punched the opponent in the stomach and a very strong force hit him. With that strength, the big spider disappeared and only smoke remained.

"Keret him, worthless! No match!" Blade smiled.

(Keret- our harsh term for the word dead. In Pangasinan dialect.)

Rane was puzzled and could not believe what she saw. The spell she made was true. An angel came out and here it is. But she saw something a bit different from the expected angel. Did she make a mistake in the spell? To her knowledge angels are good creatures but this one seems strange.

"Seriously.. He's really an angel?" Rane said incredulously.

Blade turned his attention to Rane who was staring at him. She did not pay attention to his presence because she was obviously deep in thought.

"Hoy! Where am I?"

Rane's head warmed slightly at his brutal speech. 

(Hoy- we used this to get someone's attention. Here, in my province it is awkward to use the word 'Hey' to a person because we use it to repel animals, usually dogs.)

"I have a name, Rane! Don't call me hoy!" she exclaimed.

She was annoyed the way he calls her. It was so rude.

"Hmp! You are here in Batakil Village, in Pozorrubio City." she suddenly added.

"Ay eh, still a part of the earth, right? You know, under the shining shimmering sky? Well then, come on, let's go home." Blade said it casually.

It seems like they are not strangers.

Rane was completely taken aback by what he said ... She couldn't really handle everything anymore so her eyesight suddenly darkened. She passed out.

The next day, Rane entered BLB High School early. She couldn't believe the nonsense she did yesterday. After school, she walked in the woods, she wanted silence. She saw an old and ruined church, there she saw an old book. She read that and made the spell contained in the book. And the weird things happened. Did all that really happen?

"It was just a dream." Rane said in her thoughts.

But she is still upset because what really happened last night seems to be true. She doesn't even know how she got home after she made the spell. She had heard earlier that there was a new teacher and he would be their adviser. She just hope he is kind. They said it was a male teacher. Somebody entered the room. Almost everyone is focused on the newcomer.

"GOOD MORNING, SIR!" they greeted the teacher.

"Good morning. You don't seem to have breakfast! Anak na lase."

Rane was stunned and her face lost colour when she saw who spoke in front of the class. It was him!

"W-What happen yesterday was true? It's not a dream?! It was... It was.."

She could not continue what she was going to say because of the shock. She patted her cheek to make sure she was not asleep and dreaming in these moments.

Meanwhile... At the top of an old building, a group of men gathered.

"Blade is gone. What if we see him?"

"All right, just look at him! When he strikes you, you will die bitten! Just look and do nothing, moron!"

The second speaker was their leader. It can be seen that it did not concern Blade's release. It smiled sparingly and meaningfully. He was obviously even excited about what he found out.

Meanwhile, in Blade's class ...

"I'm Blade Archangel and I'm your new adviser. Our subject for today is Biology. Class, what is biology? Anybody?"

Blade recently requested that students wear a nametag to find out their name. This is just his first day as a teacher. He is not sure about the career he chose but he seems to be feeling good. Everyone raised their hands, he was happy because the children were interested. He called the loudest because he was really catching his attention.

"Yes, what is biology? John Paul!"

The student he called immediately stood up. He smiled broadly at him before answering.

"Sir... Biology is our subject for today! He he he he!"

"Ha ha ha ha! Very good!"

But suddenly Blade's gentle face became serious. His eyebrows also met and his jaws tightened. He has just been in a good mood. He was excited about his first teaching but this was not what he expected from the high school students he would teach.

"You bastard, you bastard! Are you fooling me? Anak na lase!"

Blade left his seat and immediately approached John Paul. He grabbed the collar of his shirt and stared sharply.

"Are you teasing? Do you know who I am? Am I your teacher? I asked a good question, you answered it correctly!"

The boy looked at him in fear and the students looked at him in amazement. They were shocked by what he did.

"I-I won't do it again, Sir! Sorry!" John Paul said in fear.

He learned that their new teacher was a terror.

Blade let go of him and returned to the front of the class . He took a deep breath and looked at everyone in disgust before speaking. It was just his first day to teach and he immediately collapsed. Well, he will introduce himself well!

"This is my first day and I'm expecting something good from you! And now, this is what I'm going to get? Fooling me?! Hayss, anak na lase!" he was really disgust.

The students were even more afraid of him. They seemed to turn to stone in an instant. Moments later a student stood up. The nametag has the name Van written on it.

"Sir, relax! That's just the way we are. Were teens, you know. Stubborn! Sorry for John Paul's behaviour."

Because of that Blade calmed down a bit.

"Is that so? All right. What is biology, then? You thought you were excuse, huh." he said.

Van suddenly shuddered and smiled and looked at Blade's face.

"Sir, wait! I'm distracted. You're so handsome!" Van's thrilling voice.

Blade scratched his forehead and shook his head . Oh dear!

"I've known that for a long time. So don't be a MAN-ATUGERGER!"

(man-atugerger-this word refers to a person who is in a high emotion for having a crush. Imagine, you put a salt on an earthworm and it reacts. In tagalog, this means Kilig. )

"Hayss! It looks like being a teacher is my wrong chose of career!" Blade exclaim.

In the afternoon Rane seemed to be unconscious as she walked down the hallway because she was thinking about what had happened. She could not believe that their new adviser was that man! And its name is Blade Archangel. She could not believe it and she was nervous .

"Seriously, that's really him . In voice. Especially the way he speech! It's just, why is he our new adviser?"

Until she got home, she's thinking about their new teacher. Is this coincidence?! She was currently sitting in her study chair, depressed and looking outside. A few seconds later, she suddenly felt a quick gust of wind inside her room.

"Don't even think about me, I'm here! It's not a dream, it's true."

Rane looked at the source of the voice in shock. She stared blankly at Blade who was sitting on the edge of her bed. He seems to be comfortable and homey. 

"Sir Blade!" Rane exclaim.

She did not know how he got into her room. He smiled at her sparingly.

"I'm really an angel. I'm Captain Blade of Seventh Division Squad. Huh, I'm the best Angel Soldier!" Blade proudly introduced himself .

Rane frowned and could not believe what she heard.

"Ows?! Then why are you locked up there in the old church? Why? Ande lay atet!"

Annoyed Blade scratched his nose and looked intently at Rane's face. Then he spoke.

"Don't judge me, you are not me, okay? Those bastards! They will repay their betrayal! I was defeated because they attack me from back to front, from left to right, side by side! How could I fight back? There's too many of them, I'm outnumbered!"

Rane winced at what she heard.

"Ehem! Sir, Then why you have some bad expressions, your even rude? You should be kind, soft-spoken and well mannered because your an angel. Don't get me wrong, I'm just asking."

Blade sighed before answering.

"Hay! I don't know! Since I was incarcerated. I only hear those bad expressions! I just got infected by the people's bad expression. I don't know if I can rid this. "

What is that, he just follow the trend? Rane lost her thoughts when Blade approached her. She Stared at him and he said...

"Let's just keep it a secret, okay?"

"Yes, Sir." Rane answered hesitantly.

Blade was about to leave the room when he suddenly remembered something. He looked at Rane carefully.

"One more thing. When you are out of school. Take your Sir away. It's making me felt, old!"

And after that he suddenly disappeared and left a bunch of white bird-shaped orchids and the note. THANK YOU. Rane suddenly remembered why she made the spell written in the old book. She was sad because she was always alone. Did she do something wrong?

Meanwhile.. Suddenly, a friend appeared to Blade and he did not really expect him to see.

"How are you now, Blade?" smiling its greeting.

Raphael-one of the seven valiant archangels ...

"It's okay, Raphael. Can I go back there?"

Blade pointed to the sky.

"I'm sorry, Blade. Not yet, because you still have a mission to do."

Blade was disappointed by Raphael's answer.

"Hmp! What is that!"

To his annoyance he suddenly punched the trunk of the tree next to him. Raphael continued speaking.

"You must summon the angels who betrayed you to hell. When you defeat them, say "Gate of Hell, Open!" The gate will open and swallow them. By the way, Blade, get rid of those bad expressions. You might get some punishment because of it. " Raphael reminds Blade.

After Raphael told Blade those things he said goodbye and disappeared. Blade suddenly covered his mouth.

"How could this be? I'm used to it?" he said in worried tone.

He will definitely be punished if he is visited by other archangels.

The next day, Blade was busy with his class because Physical Education was his scheduled subject.

"Okay, five more rounds of joggings, girls! Boys, up to thirty push-ups!"

He was busy watching his students until he noticed a group of male students. His eyes widened and he was stunned.

"NYEK!" he exclaimed.

"Hello, Sir!"

It was a group of Barry, Van, Jaypee, Christian and Mark Kyle. They folded their P.E. uniform and they just watch their classmates, they do nothing. They are the gays in his class.

"Why don't you push-ups, Mermaids ?!"

Patience-he uttered those words repeatedly in his mind.

"Eeerr ... We have a period now, Sir! Heavy-flow." Barry answered mischievously.

Blade couldn't help it he lose his patience, he took the fan paper and BLAG! He beat them.

"Your rude, Sir Blade!" Barry laughed.

Those boys scratches their head and laugh. Blade smirk at them.

"Son of a bitch! Go jogging!" he command.

They smiled at him and followed. They started to run with style. Their hips are swaying. He felt irritated. His body temperature has risen. Those students! He took off his P.E. shirt to refresh.

"Finally, I was refreshed." he was now relaxed.

A co-teacher of his saw him and quickly approached for...

"Mr. Archangel! You are a teacher but you are exposing your body here at school!" Mrs. Solano commented on him.

She looks angry.

"This Children are innocent! Your polluting their brain by exposing your body. Even we, your co-teachers, are tempted."

When Blade took off his clothes, many students looked at his body. Even other teachers looked on as well. That's why Mrs. Solano approach Blade for she was very conservative.

"Put on your clothes, thank you!" she command.

Blade looked at her.

"Hmp! I don't want!"

"Blade, teasing is a big sin!"

"The weather is hot! Do you have any idea how irritated I was? I was jogging before, I was so sweaty so I took off my clothes." Blade explain.


Mrs. Solano didn't finish what is she going to say because Blade interrupt her.

"Hep, Hep Hurray! Don't argue anymore!"

Panting, Rane stopped running. He approached Blade slightly to ask a question.

"I'm tired, Sir. Can I rest?"

But before Blade could answer, Karen-Rane's step sister suddenly appeared. She grinned at Rane and said...

"You're a loser, Rane." 

Blade was annoyed when he looked at the newcomer, he was shocked by what she told Rane that she was a loser.

"You arrogant, ugly being! Why, are you involved in this?" 

It looks like Blade has another victim.

Karen's eyes widened as she looked at Blade's face. She scratched her head and could not believe what she heard. Her blood boiled in the new teacher and she like to overreact.

"Grrrr! What did you tell me? I am the muse of BLBNHS. Then, will you tell me that?" she said angrily.

Blade's face was annoyed as he stared Karen. He really hates that this girl was bullying his student.

"Do you think you are beautiful? I have diarrhea when I see your face. You look like an unwashed toilet!"

Karen was stunned. She didn't expect this. He was just new and he stand up for Rane. They had misunderstanding the other day. That's why she's bullying Rane. Blade spoke again.

"That face of yours, STUPID!" Blade emphasized the words.

Everyone laughed and Karen was murdered. She bent down and clenched her fists. She was furious with Rane's new adviser.

"I'm going to get my revenge." Karen grinned.

As for Rane. She doesn't know if she will laugh or be annoyed by what she witnessed. She guess her stepsister got too much.

At night... Rane was surprised when the wind suddenly blew on the terrace of her room. She looked at the door and...

"Hello, Rane! I'm here again!" said Blade. 

He suddenly appeared again like a mushroom.

"W-Why? What do you need?" she asked in shock.

Blade rubbed his stomach and his face looked red from looking at Rane.

"Can you give me some food? I'm really hungry!" Blade exclaimed.

Rane even heard the boiling sound of his stomach. And she felt sorry for him because he looks pitiful. He is really hungry.

"Ah eh. Wait, I'm just going to the kitchen." 

'I thought it was something...' she thought.

That's it ... Rane served Blade on the terrace of her room. Chicken adobo with rice and dinengdeng-a mixture of local vegetables. Blade ate the food served in front of him and almost choked on it with big mouthfuls.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little bit shy!" Blade said while eating everything ....

"Oh, just eat. Don't be shy!" Rane is not expecting this.

She seemed to be choking on what she saw. Unexpected, Karen suddenly enter the room! Blade quickly hid in the lush vegetation on the terrace. Karen looked around the terrace as if she was looking for something. Rane was swallowed up in nervousness but she chose to be casual. It was hard and maybe what would she think when she saw Blade here.

"I guess your Sir Impakto is here ?!" Karen said in suspiscious.

(Impakto-refers to a mythical creatures here in the Philippines. They usually look scary and ugly. We use it to call it to someone we don't like by his attitude.)

Rane took a deep breath and...

"Karen! Don't come in here like a dog! Don't you know how to knock?" she comment.

"It looks like I heard your Sir's voice!" Karen answered.

She even look around to be sure. Meanwhile, Blade holds the plate with only food and even though he is hiding, he still goes on eating.

"This bratty! I'm losing my appetite!" he said in his mind.

Meanwhile... Rane needs to come up with a sensible explanation for Karen so that she can get rid of her.

"You just heard my phone, I'm watching on youtube. If he was here, you would have passed him in the living room. You were there earlier. One more, this is my place. Get out!" Rane pushed Karen away.

Karen did not want to leave but Rane glared at her and finally drove her to her room.


Karen did nothing but leave. And that Blade also ate well after Karen left. When he finished eating, Blade smiled. Obviously full.

"Rane, thank you. I'm full of what you gave me."

"That's okay, Sir."

"Next time, ah? Thank you! When I get paid, then I'll get it back."

He tapped her on the shoulder and then left.

"That's really Sir Blade!" Rane just sigh.

Meanwhile... Blade goes straight to the center of Pozorrubio City to find the opponents. He was standing at the top of the building and he was watching the people below. He dares to see his former colleagues who betrays him. He was stunned when he heard a familiar voice.

"BLADE!" call a voice.

He felt where the aura of the owner of the voice was coming from. He went to it quickly and he saw the man above the building standing in front. His eyebrows met and he stared angrily at its face.

"You're an animal, Ike! It's good that you showed up!" his angry language.

"Captain Blade, your mouth seems to be rude right now? Bursting some bad expression. Impressive! Hmmm... Putang-ina mo!" Ike smiled.

(Putang-ina mo, it was a bad expression in tagalog.)

He was stunned by his attitude. His acting like a good friend who says hello. He seems to forgot his betrayal. Blade felt mad, he greeted his teeth and clench his fist. He was ready for a fight.

"That's enough chatter! Let's fight!" he challenged.

Blade attack Ike with his angel's boomerang but Ike shielded his wings. He didn't even bother. Ike slowly moved away from him. He flew in the air.

"Just relax, Captain Blade." Ike said casually.

A delicate smile flashed across its lips. Blade's jaws tightened because of his actions.

"Don't call me Captain! You're a treacherous animal!" he grunted.

"Oh, right? You're an animal too!"

Ike looked at Blade mysteriously.

"Next time we'll fight so get ready!" 

After he speaks, Ike gradually disappeared into nothingness.

Blade felt very angry as he saw his opponent disappear.

"You bastard, you coward! Come back here! Anak na lase!"

But it really doesn't exist anymore. No trace or shadow, no more.

The next day, in the hallway leading to the Class II-A classroom. Two students are talking.

"Come on, let's hurry! While the terror Sir Blade is not here yet."

"So be it!"

Brian and Wilbur plan to escape Blade's class. They avoid it because of its terrorist nature. 

"Great! Where are you going ?!" said by a voice.

Blade, suddenly appeared behind them. They turn around slowly and saw Blade, smiling at them. And his smile was yet scary. The two look at each other after seeing their adviser. Then they decided to...

"Let's run, hurry!" Brian said suddenly.

"Let's go!" Wilbur agreed.

They ran fast and Blade's eyebrows met

"They're crazy! They ran away!"

He took a deep breath and prepared to run.

"You crazy bastards! You will see who am I!"

Blade chased Wilbur and Brian and when he caught up with them he immediately taught them a lesson. He gave each of them a strong scythe and immediately carried them to his classroom. People at school look at them. But he, does not care. He is still whistling and very relaxed ...

"WAAAAH!" the loud shout of the two.

When they entered their classroom, he immediately lowered the children and presented them to the whole class. He tap the table to get everyone's attention and...

"You two! Lead the prayer!"

Wilbur and Brian looked at him in shock because of what he had suddenly said.

"What?!" almost at the same time the two said.

He raised an eyebrow at them and frowned.

"You know how to play Mobile Legends, but you don't even know how to pray?!" his sermon.

They did nothing but obey his orders. Because of what happened, the students were afraid to escape Blade's class.

It was time for recess and Blade met his co-teacher Mr. Pinular in the hall way.

"Where are you going, Blade?"

"Somewhere. Why you ask? Are you going to treat me in the canteen?" he asked excitedly.

"No. I just want to say, good job! You did well before. You did a good discipline to your students. Keep up the good work!" Mr. Pinular said.

"Thank you! All right then... Ba-bye!" he was disappointed.

'I still thought he would treat me some food. The difficulty of having no money!' he said in his mind.

Blade left and chose to hang out at Elementary school. Next to him on the bench was a child who was already in grade-two. The child was holding a large chocolate chip cookie and he was staring at it. He swallowed and desperately thought.

"Be shameless, Blade! Your in a emergency situation, your starving and you need something to eat." Blade said in his mind.

He stared at the big chocolate chip cookie the kid was holding and it looked like he had a lot more inside his cookie pouch. In the background there is music playing on a radio. "At a glance I was captured it all seems like a miracle." It looks like the food he sees is the answer. It was a miracle for him because he was hungry. He simply moved closer to the kid and...

"Uy, what's that?" he simply asked the child.

"Cookies. My Mommy baked it."

"Hmmm... Is that delicious?"

"If you want Sir, taste it so you find out!"

And that's it! Blade get the cookie and eat it. The cookie taste good and he praised the child's mother because the food was delicious. The boy liked him so much that he was given cookies. Blade was busy eating cookies with the child when an unexpected acquaintance arrived.

"Really, Blade!"

Uriel - one of the seven archangels. He smiled broadly at him and walked closer.

"I thought Raphael was just kidding me. It wasn't."

He proudly looked at Uriel and.

"Huh, wait for me after I finish my mission. When I get back there in heaven. I'm going to be the eight Archangel. I'm special." Blade shouted.

Uriel smiled foolishly.

"Yes ah! Blade-the eight archangel! The servant of the seven Archangels! Ha ha ha ha!"

Blade frowned and stared at the face of Uriel.

"Funny?! Look at you! How could you manage to wear those clothing! The weather here is warm! Your not in Baguio!" he commented.

Uriel was wearing a bonnet and a scarf. His hair also has highlights, orange and red.

"Its K-Pop man! Trendy, just relax. I'm just trying to see if what they say is true that you have some bad expressions!"

Blade shook his head and said...

"Hay! Anak na lase! That was fake news!" Blade denied.

"Oh dear!" Uriel said hesitantly.

Uriel became serious and looked at Blade.

"It's good that I'm the one who is here. If Michael and Gabriel happen to be here, you will definitely be punish." Uriel warned Blade.

Blade gulped by what his friend said. Uriel was telling the truth. Michael and Gabriel are very strict when it comes to discipline. He hopes that he will get rid of his bad expressions right away. Meanwhile, Uriel notice the kid eating some cookies. Those cookies looks so yummy. He felt hungry. He fake a cough to get the attention of the child. When he look at him, he smiled.

"What is that?" he ask.

"Cookies, my Mommy baked it."

"Can I have some?"


The child gave some cookies to Uriel. While Blade was staring at them, his total attention was on Uriel and he looks so annoyed. The latter was irritated and disgusted. He look back at Blade.

"Hey, Blade. Don't stare at me like that. I asked for it!" Uriel is defensive.

"I'm not saying anything, why so defensive eh?"

The child look at them and sigh. They're glare to each other is sharp. They are not talking but the air feels the tension. But there is nothing to argue. They did the same. Both of them ask some cookies from the kid.

In the afternoon... Blade is busy with his last subject. He writes on the blackboard about the biology then suddenly interrupted.


He stopped what he was doing and immediately looked at his students. What is happening?

"Why? What's going on?!"

One of his male students quickly approached him.

"Sir! Wilbur, I think he is possessed!" John Paul looks so worried.

"Let me see!"

Blade went to Wilbur to see if he was possessed. He looks like a worm put in a salt. Obviously, he is not possessed. Wilbur just want some attention.

"Waaaaah!" Wilbur.

He clench his fist and tap his head. He sigh deeply and his brows meet. He grin and then said...

"Possessed ah? All right, hold him tight and I will remove the bad spirit from his body. I will use a whip!" he said loudly.

Wilbur opened his eyes and his face turned pale. He looked at Blade in confusion. And he stared because Blade was already holding a whip.

"H-Huh? Whip ?!"

Wilbur suddenly stood up. He immediately adjusted himself and hesitated to smile at Blade. Simultaneously says.

"Sir! That's just an advertisement. JOKE!" Wilbur smiled.

Blade felt that he is going to explode in anger and he did.

"You're crazy! You're a nuisance!"

Blade kicked Wilbur.

"Aray!" (means ouch!)

The class has resumed. For now, Blade is currently discussing.

"Biology is a branch of science that deals with the study of life. In short, the mystery of life."

Everyone is unaware that something strange is happening to Wilbur. Gradually a black aura enveloped his entire body. A bad spirit has came and he slowly possessed the student. Wilbur suddenly stood up and pointed at Blade.

"Sir! Let's fight!" its sudden challenge.

Everyone was shocked to see Wilbur.

"Animal!" Blade exclaimed.

His classmate Joseph replied. It did not withstand the scene.

"You are rude! You have a mind as if you still have no mind! You no longer respect Sir Blade!"

Wilbur stared at him and he smirk. He even look at his other classmates and he seems to challenge them in a fight.

"Come on now! Let's just fight here!" he challenges everyone.

Blade took a deep breath and looked at all his students. He knew something strange had happened to Wilbur. He felt its gradual change in his aura.

"Leave him alone because he is now really possessed! Do not approach him. I will take care of him, you all go out!" Blade said it seriously.

"What?!" the whole class was surprise.


I just want to explain about the Biology-the mystery of life. I've watched a joke, in Ilocano language. A mother found out that her teenage daughter was pregnant. The mother was furious and she ask about the father but her daughter answered:

"Biology-group project."

Mother: Who is the father?!

Daughter: I do not know, they are many.

The mother was shock.

Mother: What many?! Tell me who the father is and I will sue him to the police!

Daughter: I-I can't! This is group project! Biology-the mystery of life!

That joke became popular specially in Ilocos region. And the biology-the mystery of life became a catch phrase.

Thanks for reading...

brose_fire Creator

The first meeting...