A mysterious figure stood a hundred feet above the ground, overlooking the bustling kingdom of Sokan. Her white cloak fluttered like a wave, dancing with the wind as she watched the lively town below. The people, unaware of their impending doom, moved about with the carefree joy of those who believed they had all the time in the world.

A single tear traced its way down her cheek, glistening in the moonlight. She caught it with her fingertips, a moment of hesitation freezing the scene in time. Then, with a sorrowful resolve, she pointed towards the kingdom and let the tear fall.

As it descended, a blinding light erupted from the point of impact, engulfing the entire kingdom in a radiant explosion. The air was filled with the deafening roar of destruction, a sound like thunder amplified a thousandfold. The ground trembled, buildings crumbled, and in an instant, the vibrant kingdom of Sokan was reduced to nothing but ashes.

When the light faded, a vast crater marked the spot where the kingdom once stood, a gaping wound in the earth. The joyous lives that had filled the streets moments before were now silenced, their laughter and dreams obliterated in the blink of an eye.

High above, the mysterious figure remained, her cloak billowing in the wind. She watched the aftermath of her actions, the enormity of what she had done etched in her tear-streaked face. The echo of the explosion lingered, a testament to the devastation wrought by a single, fateful tear.

Shou noticed it too late. He sprinted towards his love, Caridad, her smile a beacon of hope as she reached out with an open hand. Just as their fingers were about to touch, a blinding light consumed the kingdom, followed by a deafening explosion that shattered the world around them.

When the light finally dispersed, Shou stood alone amidst the ruins, his arm still outstretched to grasp someone who was no longer there. The air where Caridad had been was now empty, not even her ashes remaining. Though temporarily blinded by the searing light, Shou didn't need his sight to know the truth—there was nothing left.

His heart shattered as he fell to his knees, the realization sinking in like a dagger to his soul. All the people he had grown to care for, the connections he had made, the love he had found—all gone in an instant. His body was unscathed, but his spirit lay in tatters.

Shou's mind swirled with grief and rage, an unbearable maelstrom of emotions. Tears streamed down his face, each drop a testament to the depth of his sorrow. He screamed, a raw, primal sound that echoed through the void left by the destroyed kingdom. His anguish broke the seal on his immense power, releasing a surge of energy that shook the earth.

One of the seven seals on his neck shattered, releasing a fraction of his true strength. His cry of pain reverberated across the world, a haunting wail that reached every corner of existence and struck fear into the hearts of the Neo Zeon who had caused this devastation. 

In that moment, Shou's humanity, the fragile thread he had clung to through all his trials, began to fray. He had been known as the Crying Assassin for his empathy, for the tears he shed for every life he took. But now, standing in the ruins of Sokan, he felt that compassion begin to crumble, replaced by a burning desire for vengeance.

Teaser for the upcoming new series