Emerson Lucelo Emerson Lucelo 8601 Send Requires Login Updates Series Profile 25 Episode Updates Highschool vs Zombies Animated Video Episode 1 11/15/2021 04:48 Detective Detective Theme Song 11/15/2021 04:42 Detective EPISODE 5 11/12/2021 04:30 Detective EPISODE 4 THE FACE BEHIND THE MASK 11/08/2021 06:49 Highschool vs Zombies EPISODE 2 11/06/2021 23:13 Detective EPISODE 3 FRAME UP 11/06/2021 06:57 Detective EPISODE 2 INVESTIGATION 11/04/2021 04:08 Detective EPISODE 1 MISSING 11/03/2021 09:47 Highschool vs Zombies Episode 1 10/15/2021 03:32 1 2 2 Series Detective Comic • Action 5516 Emerson Lucelo Highschool vs Zombies Comic • Action 3085 Emerson Lucelo The creator of highschool vs zombie and ichiro the legend https://youtube.com/channel/UC79J10kSeEU7QB7Bxl_r-FQ