Chapter 2:  Everyone’s genre
* Side Character: Justin Rodriguez                        *
* Original Title: The cheerleader’s graceful fall         *
* Tag: Netorare, Mind break, Solo male, Solo female, Ahegao*
* Pages 1/50                                               *
I rubbed my eyes to see if I’m hallucinating.
What happened to his genre?
“Henry what’s wrong, it looks like you’ve seen a ghost.” (Justin)

Seems like I’ve been staring at him.

“No it’s nothing, so what did you want to talk about?” (Henry)

I tried to change the topic but the truth is, 
I, Henry for the longest of time have seen floating words above peoples head.
I tried to consult this to my parents and explained it to them when I was young,
but all they said was I’m just seeing things, around the time in middle school, 
I understood that the words above the people I see are genre.

Most people I encounter would have 
Slice of Life, Romance, or Drama above their head, 
there might be more too but this three are common so I thought it was nothing.

In which case Justin’s genre last time were
 slice of Life, Romance and Sports. 
I was curious so I asked him.

“Hey Justin, Anything happened to you recently?” (Henry)

He then suddenly began fidgeting from my question and told me.

“Actually, Henry. Haley and I started dating!” (Justin)

Wait, I thought you guys were already dating is what I retorted on my mind.

“Oh that’s good! But the other students already 
thought you guys are dating from a long time.” (Henry)

“What!?” (Justin)

“What’s with that dumb look? The most popular guy and girl 
at the school dating aren’t shocking, you know?” (Henry)

“Me? Popular?” (Justin)

I got irritated by this guy’s denseness of his
 own social standing that I gave him the iron claw.

“Be aware of your own awesomeness for once you dolt!” (Henry)

“O wow ow! Stop it with the iron claw! My face hurts!!” (Justin)

I let him free and continued talking.

“Anyway, I know this is obvious but make sure you make her happy.” (Henry)

“You sound like a mom.” (Justin)

After saying that he laugh wholeheartedly. Unlike me Justin is an orphan.
 His parents died from an earthquake incident, they shielded Justin, 
their only son from the collapse of their house.

After that he was taken in on the orphanage my mom has affiliations to.

We’ve been friends from then on.
 But it didn’t stop him from working hard and finding what he wants. 
Now he is dating the girl he loved. 
Yes for a longest time he had a crush on Haley so I’m proud of him.

“So, what now? Did you just want to brag 
that you have a girlfriend to lonely me?” (Henry)

“That’s a part of it!” (Justin)

“You freaking dolt!” (Henry)

We were messing with other on the way home that 
I forgot to find out the meaning of Justin’s new genre.

Upon returning home my little sister greeted me, 
I looked at the top of her head to see if her genre also changed.

Nothing, It’s the same as it was before, after a while mom and dad 
came back so I also checked but it didn’t change too, 
Justin’s genre is bothering me but it might return the same tomorrow.

I also checked in the mirror if I gained a genre. But apparently I didn’t, 
It’s been that way since I’m aware of this
 thing but I can’t see my own genre for some reason. 
I thought about why multiple times but I can’t arrive at any answer, 
well in the first place I don’t know why I can see this kind of things.

When we were eating my parents told us that they
 will go on a business trip for half a month or more.
 My father is an antique dealer and my mom is a psychologist and psychiatrist, 
and it seems that their destinations are
 the same and will be departing the next day.

It’s nothing new to the two of us siblings being left since we are used to it.

After dinner my dad called me to his room and gave me something.

“What is this dad?” (Henry)

“It’s a fountain pen! I got from one of my buddies during my last trip,
 it says it houses a god from the stories 
I heard and whoever has it can write Nobel Prize
 grade stories or article.” (Henry’s Dad)

“Are you sure this isn’t cursed?” (Henry)

“Nonsense! I wouldn’t give my precious children any cursed objects.” (Henry’s Dad)

“So, why are you giving me this? 
It seems like it doesn’t even have ink left and I can’t use it 
because I’m not a writer.” (Henry)

“I don’t know though it feels right giving
 it to you just think of it as a good luck charm okay? 
Oh and give this one to your little sister,
 It’s a cute pendant that would suit her.” (Henry’s Dad)

“Alright, Thanks dad.” (Henry)

I grabbed the pendant and left my parent’s room,
 after giving it to my sister; 
I entered my room and called it a day.

Next day, I saw two messages from my phone after waking up, 
one was from Justin saying that he wants me to go shopping with him to buy new clothes,
 seems like he and Haley decided to have a date this coming Sunday 
also the two of us couldn’t hangout after class for a while since he wants to be with her.

Contemplating whether I should go with him or not on Sunday I checked the 
other message which was from a classmate of mine who also happens to be 
my annoying neighboring seat Anne asking me if I read the latest release of Zero Piece.

If I don’t read it Anne would be ticked off and annoy me more than usual so I can’t 
possibly pass this one up, I replied to Justin’s message that 
I’m going cause I also have to buy the latest release.

I got up after it and prepared for schools as usual.
Ray Torraku Creator