Shhhiii-kun Shhhiii-kun 4754 Updates Series Profile 10 Episode Updates When Fear Comes Chapter 0: the beginning of the end 09/16/2023 07:10 When Fear Comes episode 5: bloodbath and chaos 07/04/2021 07:45 When Fear Comes chapter 4 cynical escape 03/07/2021 11:42 When Fear Comes chapter 2 (REVAMP) abyss of darkness 03/07/2021 11:21 When Fear Comes (Christmas journey) belated* Wfc Christmas special 03/07/2021 10:55 When Fear Comes chapter 1 (REVAMP) Late Explanations 03/07/2021 10:37 When Fear Comes Chapter 3 :A bliss of happiness 11/30/2020 11:44 When Fear Comes WFC Halloween special 1.0 11/10/2020 03:05 When Fear Comes (old version) abyss of darkness 10/25/2020 14:02 When Fear Comes (OLD version) Late Explanations 09/19/2020 08:32 1 Series When Fear Comes Comic • Horror 4754 Shhhiii-kun Creator of When Fear comes, hiatus for a while now, but may go back. so stay tuned. returning this month or the next one haha see yah